3.请阅读如下的药物使用说明书,然后回答问题:牛黄解毒片新速效感冒片(扑感灵片)Niuhuang Jie du Pian Xinsuxiao Gan mao Pian主要成分:人工本药含对乙酰氨基酚、马来酸牛黄、 冰片、 大氯苯那敏、盐酸金刚烷胺、咖黄、黄芩。啡因、人工牛黄,是一种新型功能与主治:清的解热镇痛药。热解毒。 用于火【作用与用...
新速效感冒片(扑感灵片)说明书 牛黄解毒片Xinsuxiao Ganmao Piar Niuhuang Jiodu Pian本晶含对乙酰氨基酚、马来酸氢苯那敏、金刚烷 【主要成分】人工硫黄、冰片、大黄、黄苓。胺、咖啡因、人工硫黄,是一种新型的解毒镇痛药。 【功能与主治】清热解毒。用于火热内盛,咽喉肿【作用与用途】解毒镇痛药,用于伤风...
Editor's note: niu huang jie du pian contains xiong huang that can be toxic when over dosed. Please check with your local regulating agency to make sure it is legal in your country.牛黃解毒片 主治:清熱解毒﹐抗菌消炎。用 于咽炎﹐扁桃腺炎﹐牙齦炎﹐口舌 潰瘍 ﹐ 急性結膜炎﹐癤腫。【處方】...
Niu Huang Jie Du Pian helps to clear away heat and detoxify, expel wind and relieve pain. It is used for symptoms caused by accumulated heat in the stomach and lung, such as dizziness and vertigo, aphthous ulcer (aphtha or canker sore), toothache, sore throat, mumps...
1请阅读如下的药物使用说明书,然后回答问题:新速效感冒片(扑感灵片)说明书 牛黄解毒片Xinsuxiao Gan mao Pian Niuhuang Jie du Pian本药含对乙酰氨基酚、马来酸氯苯那 主要成分:人工牛黄、敏、金刚烷胺、咖啡因、人工牛黄,是一 冰片、大黄、黄苓。种新型的解热镇痛药。 功能与主治:清热解毒。【作用与用途】解...
BEIJING TONG REN TANG Niu Huang Jie Du Pian Herbal Supplement (Sugar Coated) These statements have not yet been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration.Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website.If you...
Intoxicación por «Niuhuang Jiedu Pian»“Niu huang Jie du Pian” Poisoning Author links open overlay panel,, Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anpedi.2010.03.006Get rights and content Access through your organization ...
Toxicology evaluation of realgar-containing Niu-Huang-Jie-Du Pian ( NHJD ) as compared to arsenicals in cell cultures and inmice[J]. ISRN Toxicology, 2011, ID250387,1-6.Miao JW; Liang SX; Wu Q; Liu J; Sun AS.Toxicology evaluation of realgar-containing niu-huang-jie-du pian as ...