Nitto Website: Always one step ahead in making good things happen with its sheets and films ... Nitto is creating a constant stream of Global Niche Top® products including advanced optical films for liquid crystal displays.
日东电工特氟龙NITTODENKO NO.903UL铁氟龙高温胶带0.08*19*10 深圳市宝安区沙井昌盛达电子行19年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥25.50成交142卷 原装日东电工(NITTODENKO)胶带 铁氟龙973UL-S薄膜胶带 东莞市织田电子有限公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
双面胶NITTODENKOGA808NITTOGA3014 东莞市冠益新材料有限公司11年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 东莞市 ¥1654.00 日东GA808双面胶无痕耐高温Nitto无纺布高粘度粘贴模切背胶双面胶 合肥奕和盛电子有限公司1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 安徽 合肥市 ¥25.50成交142卷 ...
本公司生产销售胶带热切刀封口机 封口机,提供胶带热切刀封口机专业参数,胶带热切刀封口机价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.胶带热切刀封口机 胶带热切刀封口机 品牌日东|产地广东|价格69.00元|材质铁氟龙|厚度0.13(mm)|长度1000(mm)|宽度13、19、25、38、50、
Nitto Website: Always one step ahead in making good things happen with its sheets and films ... Nitto is creating a constant stream of Global Niche Top® products including advanced optical films for liquid crystal displays.
Our company’s long-term vision and unparalleled, multidisciplinary team of researchers from all over the globe make Nitto Denko Technical a vibrant and exciting center of new ideas and brilliant technologies. We are developing novel electric, organic, inorganic and hybrid materials. These technologies...
Nitto has been a year-round Gold Partner and the official Athletic Tape Partner of the ATP Tour since 2021. We are providing our athletic taping products to the ATP Medical Team to support many tennis players throughout the season. At Nitto ATP Finals, Nitto conducts CSR activities to support...
本公司生产销售气密胶带 胶带,提供气密胶带专业参数,气密胶带价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.气密胶带 气密胶带 品牌日东|产地江苏|价格110.00元|长度50m|厚度0.5mm|基材PET|纯肉厚1cm|筒芯内径35mm|宽度60mm|重量539g|抗张强度5632N/cm|粘着力8.3N/cm江苏气密
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浙江代理原装日东NO.903UL铁氟龙胶带NITTODENKO耐高温胶布38宽 东莞市织田电子有限公司7年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 东莞市 ¥30.00 日东GA808双面胶 强力高粘棉纸双面胶 GA808双面胶带 印字内容NITTO,DENKO,GA808 东莞市中壹电子材料有限公司7年