and 38 Olaguer, E.: Measurements of nitrous acid (HONO) using ion drift-chemical ionization mass 39 spectrometry during the 2009 SHARP field campaign, Atmos. Environ., 94(2), 231-240, 40 doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.05.024, 2014.
The following solutions were then added to each tube: 700 ml of 120 mmol l À 1 sodium phosphate (pH 8.0) plus 1% (w/v) acid-washed polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, 500 ml of Tris-equilibrated phenol (pH 8.0), and 50 ml of 20% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate. The extraction process ...
equations 2 and 3 in the ‘Methods’ section andSupplementary Table 1). Given the labelling of produced N2O, we could only ascribe 19% of the N2O to the reduction of exogenous nitrite (N2Oexogenous, equation 1) with the large majority (81%) of the N2O being due to some ...
Commercial N2O production usually starts from NH4NO3 [37], but some manufacturers also extract it from exhaust gas in adipic acid production (as in the case of our sample of MPI-2 obtained from Puritan-Bennet Medical Gases). Tracing back the original source of our the MPI-1 reference gas ...