Composition having fertilizing and anti foam action in the form of organic nitrogen fertilizer for lawns, comprises an extract of marine algae associated with molecules of biological origin.LE VERGER JACQUES
Pers.) is widely used in lawns, sports turf, parks, golf courses, and tropi- cal coral islands in tropical and subtropical regions [9, 10]. A great quantity of nitrogenous fertilizer is needed to establish and manage commercial cultivars of bermudag- rass turf, which requires an N ...
The wastewater treatment plant should be a facility for the production of renewable resources. A new scenario of nitrogen recovery that is expected for the near future is the recycling of biogenic compounds in treated wastewater and their use as fertilizer. This approach reduces the consumption of ...
Average rates of synthetic N fertilizer applied to cropland and permanent grassland. The figure shows all countries where more than 3% of the cumulative N fertilizer use has been applied to permanent grassland. The top left panel shows results for the 22 present-day countries which this study co...
A gardener has a few options for managing the nitrogen levels in soil using fertilizers. Fertilize With Synthetic Fertilizer The time honored tradition is to apply fertilizer a couple of times a year. Spreading it on lawns in spring certainly increases the nitrogen levels resulting in grass growing...
FERTILIZER applicationAMMONIUM sulfateSOIL temperatureCALCIUM nitrateNITROGENDISEASE managementLarge patch is the most severe disease on 'Meyer' zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) fairways, tees, and lawns in the US transition zone. A disease management strategy integrating cultural practices would be ...
Rates of N accumulation at these sites were similar in magnitude to estimated fertilizer N inputs, confirming a high capacity for N retention. Residential sites that were forested prior to development had higher C and N densities than present-day forests, but our chronosequence did not reveal a...
Reduced saturated infiltration rates in residential lawns caused only marginal differences in overland flow when compared to regional rain records. However, the reduction in lawn soil structural properties implies watershed-scale changes in hydrologic connectivity between nitrogen sources and streams. ...
Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] for being a possible high water user and excess (N) applications in home lawns. This has resulted in a desire by some municipalities to substitute St. Augustinegrass with bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fl眉gge). Consequently, the aim of ...
Fertilizer N was applied to the SA landscape bimonthly at a rate of 50 kg ha-1 (total of 900 kg N ha-1), while the MS landscape was fertilized bimonthly at a rate of 40 kg N ha-1 only during establishment (total of 480 kg ha-1). Data were collected for 3 yr (16 mo to ...