Electron-ion relaxation in a plasma interacting with an intense laser field. The effect of an external high-frequency electromagnetic field on the electron-ion energy exchange rate in a plasma is considered. Particular consideration... AY Polishchuk,J Meyer-Ter-Vehn - 《Phys Rev E Stat Phys Pla...
Explain how the electron configuration of an atom influences its chemical behavior and explain why atoms form bonds. Describe the difference between covalent and ionic bonding. Describe hydrogen bonding and discuss its importance. Explain how the number and arrangement of electrons in an atom or ion...
N@C 60 gives avery clear hyperfine-split electron paramagnetic resonance signal. The most prominent features of N@C 60 are: (i) Nitrogen in C 60 keeps its atomic electronic configuration and occupies the on-center position. (ii) N@C 60 is stable at ambient conditions, the thermal ...
Russian, Albanian, Turkish, etc.; the German Stickstoff similarly refers to the same characteristic, viz. ersticken "to choke or suffocate") and still remains in English in the common names of many nitrogen compounds, such as hydrazine and compounds of the azide ion. Finally, it led to the...
Ammonium repression is reversed by the addition of tri-basic magnesium phosphate as it traps the ammonium ion. P. chrysogenum produces penicillin G, which is regulated by nitrogen, and was found to have a high (85 mM) NH+ level and could decrease penicillin production by twofold as compared ...
The donor changes its configuration from N 2p5 to N 2p4 giving rise to two possible spin configurations, triplet 3CT or singlet 1CT. The N acceptor changes its configuration from 2p5 to 2p6 and therefore does not contribute to the magnetic structure. The corresponding electron configurations ...
Ion transport mechanisms Cross-section lamellae of the as-prepared and electrolyte-gated samples treated at –50 V for 75 min were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Fig.3). The as-prepared Co3O4shows regular, columnar-shaped grains (Fig.3aand Supplementary Fig. S8a). ...
However, as it was explained previously, this configuration does not permit the adsorption of the oxygen molecule in the neighbour carbon atoms [116,117,138,140]. However, the introduction of the nitrogen species close to the edge, facilitates an electron withdrawal effect at the edge carbon ...
In terms of atomic structure, explain why the electron affinity of fluorine is lower than aluminum. How does the atomic radius of F- compare to the atomic radius of neon? Explain. Why, in terms of atomic structure, is the radius of a Na atom larger than the ...
Nitrogen species that are found in an aerosol form include the NO3− ion, as well as many of the higher molecular weight or polar organic nitrogen compounds mentioned above. Aerosol NO3− can form either by uptake of gaseous nitric acid on a pre-existing aerosol particle or by formation ...