Nitrogen fixation in bacteria and higher plants. Burns R C,Hardy R W F. . 1975Burns, RC. and Hardy, RW.F. (1975). Nitrogen Fixation in Bacteria and Higher Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Chawale, V.v. et al. (1993). Indian J. Agron., 38(3): 500-502....
R.C.BurnsR.W.F.HardyNitrogen fixation in bacteria and higher plantsMolecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysicsvol. 211975Springer-Verlag Berlin Biochimie, Volume 57, Issue 9, 10 December 1975, Pages XV Original Research Article PDF (139 K) View more articles » Citing articles (0) This ar...
The meaning of NITROGEN-FIXER is any of various soil microorganisms that are involved in nitrogen fixation.
The biological process responsible for reduction of molecular nitrogen into ammonia is referred to as nitrogen fixation. A wide diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacterial species belonging to most phyla of the Bacteria domain have the capacity to colonize the rhizosphere and to interact with plants. Leg...
Dawson JO (1983) Dinitrogen fixation in forest ecosystems. Can J Microbiol 29:979–992 CASGoogle Scholar Dawson JO (1990) Interaction among actinorhizal and associated plant species. In: Schwintzer RC, Tjepkema JD (eds) The Biological ofFrankiaand actinorhizal plants. Academic press Inc, San ...
N2-fixation; noduline; Rhizobium; symbiosis In the inter- and intracellular N2-fixing symbioses between plants and micro-symbionts, the development of an endophytic form of the micro-symbiont is essential. This development includes a series of steps consisting of plant-bacteria interactions. Considerab...
In addition, a number of free-living bacteria and symbiotic micro-organisms are capable of reducing atmospheric nitrogen gas to ammonia. In the case of legumes and some other higher plants, the nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium are contained in nodules on the roots. In all cases, in higher plants, ...
W. B. Bottomley a few questions with regard to his paper on ``Some Effects of Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria on the Growth of Non-leguminous Plants'' (Proc. Roy. Soc., B, lxxxi., 1909, 287), abstracted in NATURE of May 13 (vol. lxxx., p. 327), as I had not the opportunity of ...
Nitrogen fixation; Symbiosis; Rhizobia; Frankia; Cyanobacteria; Azospirillum; 机译:固氮;共生;根瘤菌;法兰克;蓝藻;固氮螺菌; 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1.Nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with leguminous and non-leguminous plants and spring 机译:与豆科植物和非豆科植物相关的固氮细菌 Franch...
nitrogen fixation The process by which free nitrogen from the air is combined with other elements to form organic compounds that plants can use as nutrients. Cyanobacteria and certain other forms of bacteria, especially those that live in the roots of legumes, convert gaseous nitrogen into organic...