Biofixation of atmospheric nitrogen in the context of world staple crop production: Policy perspectivesBiological fixationEnvironmental externalitiesBiofertilizersNitrogenMicrobiome engineeringMetagenomicsThe extensive use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers implicates a paradox: while fertilizers ensure the supply of a ...
a,bEffect on peanut nodulation.cEffect on peanut rhizosphere15N fixation. The data ina–care shown as the mean ± SD. The error bars withpvalues between groups were calculated using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc tests (two-sided,n = 3 biologically independent replicates from ...
Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen FixationDiazotrophs Microorganisms which pass independent life and fix atmospheric nitrogen are known as free living diazotrophs. There are two groups of such micro-organisms : bacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Based on the mode of nutrition (carbon,...
Nitrogen fixation by free-living organisms is compared with the process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Inorganic nitrogen metabolism is discussed with regard to the nitrification and denitrification processes. The various mechanisms of assimilation of inorganic nitrogen by microorganisms are described in ...
Transfer of nitrogen fixation (nif) genes from diazotrophs to amenable heterologous hosts is of increasing interest to genetically engineer nitrogen fixation. However, how the non-diazotrophic host maximizes opportunities to fine-tune the acquired capaci
Theory Biosci 131:281–285. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Wan SY, Liao XL, Zhou TT, Wu Y, Hu AY, Yan DZ, Zhang J, Long XE (2021) Shift in archaeal community along a soil profile in coastal wheat-maize rotation fields of different ... OPEN Effects of soil nitrogen (N) deficiency on photosynthetic N-use efficiency in N-fixing and non-N- Received: 7 September 2018 Accepted: 17 January 2019 Published: xx xx xxxx fixing tree seedlings in subtropical China Jingchao Tang1,2, Baodi Sun2, ...
Nitrogen fixation as evidence for the reducing nature of the early biosphere : Broda, E. and G.A. Peschek, 1983. Bio Syst. , 16(1):1–8. Inst. of Phys. Chem., Vienna Univ., Austriadoi:10.1016/0198-0254(83)96659-1Deep Sea Research Part B Oceanographic Literature Review...
Consensus unrooted phylogenetic tree estimated by ML methods from the concatenated sequences of dnaK and rpoB housekeeping genes for the rhizobial species indicated aligned using the Geneious Pro Software (Biomatters Ltd). Bootstrap values of 475% are indicated at each node. a, the branch ...
(<10,000 yrs). Similarly, previous studies in this region also suggest that free-living and symbiotic N-fixation are unlikely to provide additional sources of inorganic N that we did not measure72. While historic rates of N deposition are inaccessible at the scale of individual focal trees ...