(The solid lines are the superposition of the two fitted Gaussian–Lorentzian lines and the background/noise; the dash and dot lines are the single fitted peaks.)Reproduced with permission from Y. Wang, S. Serrano, J.J. Santiago-Aviles, Raman characterization of carbon nanofibers prepared ...
Herein, we show a facile and general approach to a 3D interconnected porous nitrogen-doped graphene foam (NGF) with encapsulated Ge quantum dot@nitrogen-doped graphene yolk-shell nanoarchitecture (Ge-QD@ NG/NGF) for high specific reversible capacity (1,220 mAh g−1), ultra-high rate c...
Doping with pyridinic nitrogen atoms is known as an effective strategy to improve the activity of carbon-based catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. However, pyridinic nitrogen atoms prefer to occupy at the edge or defect sites of carbon materials
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f, Dot plot of Ames 21814 haplotype (hap1) and B73 haplotype (hap2). Alignment less than 20 kb was filtered out. g, Haplotype-specific inversions supported by the Hi-C contact map. Fourteen inversions larger than 1 Mb were selected for Hi-C zoom-in inspection by excluding those caused ...
Gudmundsdottir, F. Studt, J. Rossmeisl, F. Abild-Pedersen, T. Vegge, H. Jonsson, J.K. Norskov A theoretical evaluation of possible transition metal electro-catalysts for N2 reduction Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14 (2012), pp. 1235-1245 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 39 Y. Abghoui, A...
(red dot-line) using the DFT-modeled structure, Au4Pt2(SR)6/G (inset).e,fComparison of the experimental XANES spectrum of the Pt L3- and Au L3-edge of the Au4Pt2/G (black line) with that of the simulated spectrum (red dot-line) based on the DFT-modeled structure, Au4Pt2(SR)...
Utilizing cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Sheng et al.15 and Liu et al.16 proposed schemes for complete hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis in two and three DoFs, respectively. In 2012, Ren et al.17 theoretically implemented hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis in polarization-spatial DoF via quantum dot....
Complete hyperentangled-Bell-state analysis for photon systems assisted by quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities. Opt. Express 20, 24664–24677 (2012). 23. Wang, T. J., Lu, Y. & Long, G. L. Generation and complete analysis of the hyperentangled Bell state for photons assisted by ...
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