The use of fertilisers in agriculture and horticulture is the key to production of sufficient food (including the fodder for animals) to maintain the global human population (currently 6 billion; Evans 1998) and to permit its continued rapid growth to the expected 10 or even 12 billion (Bumb ...
A field experiment was conducted during rainy seasons of 1993 and 1994 to study the effect of nitrogen and plant spacing on baby corn (Zea mays L.). Application of 150 to 200 kg N/ha had significant favourable effect on plant height, functional leaves, dry-matter accumulation, cobs/plant ...
azote, drainage systems, nitrogeno, juniperus communis, agua de riego, crecimiento, container planting, nitrogen, danemark, materiel de drainage, leaching, climate, irrigation water, lessivage du sol, plantacion en contenedor, growth, dinamarca, lixiviacion, plantation en container, eau d'irrigation...
Plant﹎icrobial interactions in the rhizosphere are an essential link in soil nitrogen cycling and plant nitrogen supply. Plant phenotype and genotype interact with the soil environment to determine rhizosphere community structure and activity. However, the relative contributions of plant identity, phenolo...
In individual leaves, the photon-saturated photosynthetic activity ( P sat , expressed on a dry mass basis) was closely related to the nitrogen content (Nc) as follows: P sat = Cf Nc + P sat0 , where Cf and P sat0 are constants. On a whole plant basis, the relative growth rate (...
Flowering is the transition process from vegetative to reproductive growth determined by many endogenous and exogenous factors. Nitrogen (N), as a dominant macronutrient for plant growth, can largely affect flowering time. A complex network integrates multiple environmental signals consisting of N status...
摘要: A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on nodulation, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and growth of the common bean (...关键词:Symbiosis PGPR Rhizobium sp Paenibacillus polymyxa Phytohormones ...
An experiment was conducted in the shade-house of University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia under hydroponics condition using nitrogen-free plant nutrient solution to evaluate the effect of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterial) inoculation on growth and N2 fixation of tissue-cultured banana plantlets ...
Plant growth increased with irrigation rate and nitrogen concentration. Evapotranspiration rates, as determined from weight losses of reference plants, increased with nitrogen rate. Overall plant growth and weekly evaporation rates were greater with Volkamer than with Swingle. Leaf senescence of Swingle ...
The effects of water stress and nitrogen availability on leaf water potential, nitrogenase activity, and growth was studied in a pot experiment with Leucaena leucocephala seedlings, Water stress was imposed on fertilized and unfertilized plants after inoculation with Rhizobium. Non-inoculated seedlings we...