关于Nitro Se..前提详情:解决办法:1.在Acer Care Center里面查看,或者打开serialnumberdetectiontool工具查看产品名称。2.打开下载的Nitro Sense_Acer安装文件夹
hello all, I have this acer nitro 5 from about late 2022 and it has an older version of Nitro sense on it, very basic controlls and the performance graphs don't even work properly, is there a way for me to install the newest version of Nitro sense nitros
12月21日漏签0天 acer吧 关注:691,641贴子:2,236,691看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 游戏 12回复贴,共1页 <<返回acer吧求助宏碁暗影骑士擎的nitro sense点不开,一直是无响应怎么办 只看楼主 收藏 回复 江楠雨 新兵 1 江楠雨 新兵 1 就剩重置系统了,其他都试过了 江楠雨 新兵 1 顶 江楠...
Acer Nitro 14:兼具性能、便攜且價格實惠的筆電 全新Nitro 14 (AN14-41)外型簡約時尚、性能強大,最高配備內建Ryzen AI的AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS處理器[2]以及NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060[2]筆電GPU,且支援DLSS 3.5 技術,提供身歷其境的視覺效果和更高的畫面幀率。使用者亦可利用NVIDIA RT...
11月11日漏签0天 acer吧 关注:672,188贴子:2,102,809 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 游戏 8回复贴,共1页 <<返回acer吧nitro sense怎么用?宏碁暗影骑士4。有点搞不懂。到 只看楼主 收藏 回复eterna 列兵 2 nitro sense怎么用?宏碁暗影骑士4。有点搞不懂。到底是开着高性能还是怎么? 你的阿七 ...
acer brands acer nitro 5 an515-52 - how to use nitro sense? member posts: 12 new user hello! i have bought acer nitro 5 an515-52 and downloaded nitro sense. i opened the app and saw "fan control" and "power plan" i clicked power saver on battery and high performance on ac also...
Nitro sense doesn't work on acer nitro anv15-51. I have you the latest BIOS. Please help me. [Edited the thread to add model name to the title] Answers AxxoMember, AllyPosts:665 October 11 If you're having trouble opening NitroSense on your Acer Nitro V15 laptop, there could ...
此外,PredatorSense游戏控制中心已更新至4.0版,借由更完善的设计,让用户轻松监测和控制系统设置,更可借由全新Scenario Manager功能,针对不同的游戏进行个性化的设置。最后,Predator电竞笔记本搭载Intel Killer E2600以太网络控制器,支持Intel Killer Wi-Fi 6E AX1675频段,使玩家得以保持连接,实现快速、顺畅的游戏...
So I just downgraded my Acer Nitro ANV15-41 to Windows 10 from Windows 11 since it ate up most of my ram. Downgrading led me to formatting my laptop and lost nitro sense. Been trying to install it back but still can't find any ways that would work. Any tips? Cheers. [Edited the...
Nitro sense!!!求大哥解答啊!!! E到烦 新兵 1 我刚刚弄完这个,我也是没有来着 E到烦 新兵 1 现在有了 三月电脑 中将 15 大家都好帅哥 新兵 1 想问一下你这个怎么下的? tgghhh7 新兵 1 双击第一个文件夹里的第一个文件,安装就可以了 Alzura 新兵 1 我重装了系统然后去官网安装驱动,...