(b) metallic copper is added to a dilute solution of nitric acid,gaseous nitrogen(II) oxide is evolved and the solution becames a pale blue(c) potassium permanganate solution is decolourised by acidified iron(II) sulfate solution.(d) sulfur dioxide is bubbled through an acidified solution ...
Write the neutralization equation for the reaction of sulfuric acid and ammonia. Aqueous sulfur dioxide is mixed with nitric acid. Does a reaction occur? If so, write the balanced net ionic equation. If a reaction is not expected to occur, explain why not. ...
Fresh plant leaves (500 mg) of each treatment were homogenized with 1.5 mL of TCA (tri-chloroacetic acid) (5% w/v) and centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 10 min. In 2.0 mL of diluted extract, 2 mL of thiobarbituric acid (TBA, 0.5% w/v) prepared in 1% butyl hydroxytoluene, 15% TCA, ...
It is general considered that Brønsted acid sites of zeolite are caused by the bridging hydroxyl protons in the vicinity of the tetrahedrally coordinated lattice-Al atoms. When iron was introduced to H-Beta, Fe3+ ion could substitute the H proton of bridging hydroxyls on zeolite, therefore ...
nOtnhethoethoetrhhearnhda,ncdo,mcpoamrepdarwedith wdetcxiihsoctsehimtoPacpttChiiaaoeFntnesyP,doCtwfhcFolieitsmrqhmuoptifhadalelniNcqyionuOwnci,rddiewtuahNcistttehOhiviei,nintiwyncdrciegetrlahreoasacidisnanuelgciaizrndleeleayddnseieisnlnilotecgycrcaetadrlanioeszdnneedssdtie.atemynledpacentbrrdeaoct...