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Traceability is key to a number of elemental analysis and wet chemistry applications. In this context, the traceability of measurements refers to systemic reliability and, as such, reliability of results relative to an accepted set of standards. This concept forms the underlying premise of standardize...
Procedures and standards for optical calibration systems; How to calibrate energy probes and power probes; Concept of electrical substitution. INSET: The value of traceability.MooneyBurtO'ConnorCarrieEBSCO_AspLaser Focus World
Statement of Traceability, Fixed-Point Temperature Standards, and Calibration Standards provided by QTI Sensing Solutions.
Under the Interim EPA Traceability Protocol, there are four approved methods to quality check a mercury generator: field reference generator, permeation source, sorbent tube and mercury gas cylinder. While each method provides the same level of comp...
In order to get a NIST certificate (also known as a NIST traceability certificate) for a device, one must search the online database, which can be foundfound here. The database contains all the certificates for all the devices that have basic calibration features and it can be searched by...
While the round-robin comparisons help metrologists verify that each participant’s equipment is operating properly, the transfers come with a price—a small (less than 1 ppm) increase in uncertainty. So, if your lab uses this method, you’ll maintain NIST traceability, but you will also ha...
NIST-traceable calibrations for multimeters, calibrators, oscilloscopes, and more! Provides traceability to NIST Lists the environmental conditions present at time of calibration Certificate lists actual values, uncertainties, and tolerances Regular calibration helps you meet ISO, EPA, GLPs/GMPs and other... 器件型号:TMP117 在另一个主题中、TI 代表表示:"您可以通过产品页面上的此链接请求 TMP117 NIST 文档。 TI 不 提供 单个 器件的测量不确定性、 但会为 每个 器件提供保修...
SRM计划参考了与其SRM和RM的生产、认证和使用相关的许多定义。SRM使用的某些定义来源于参考材料和测量的国际指南和标准,而SRM计划制定的其他定义则描述了NIST操作特有的活动。 An NTRM (NIST Traceable Reference Material) is a commercially produced reference material with a well-defined traceability linkage to exi...