NIST has produced three special publications focused on mitigating supply chain attacks: NIST SP 800-53 Rev 5 NIST SP 800-161 NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) In October 2021, NIST SP 800-161 was revised. The second public draft, known as NIST 800-161 Revision 1, includes two new...
newer technologies are addressed by new guidelines in the existing set of PIV Special Publications. The current solution for PIV enablement directly uses PIV Cards with mobile devices through smart card readers. This has the advantage of avoiding the additional time and expense required to issue and...
“The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing,” NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-145, September 2011,•[Mills87] Harlan D. Mills
(FIPS) and NIST Special Publications (SPs) to specify and approve cryptographic algorithms for Federal government use. In addition, guidance has been provided on the management of the cryptographic keys to be used with these approved cryptographic algorithms. This Recommendation discusses the generation...
NIST Special Publications 800-16 and 800-50 provide guidance on security awareness and training. NIST Special Publication 800-12 provides guidance on security policies and procedures. The organization determines the appropriate content of security awareness training based on the specific requirements of ...
NIST Special Publication(800-124): pp: 1-51.Jansen, W., and Scarfone, K. (2008). Guidelines on Cell Phone and PDA Security, NIST, Special Publication 800-124, October 2008, from 124.pdfJ. Wayne, S. Karen, "Guidelines on...
(RMF) • Supporting Publications • The RMF Steps Step 1: Categorize Step 2: Select Step 3: Implement Step 4: Assess Step 5: Authorize Step 6: Monitor • Additional Resources and Contact Information NIST Risk Management Framework | 2 NIST Special Publication 800-37, Guide for Applying ...
(参见/publications/;请注意,该网站还包含明确 标记的出版物草稿)。 该 出 版 物 2。 2.2 FIPS 豁免 可 从 以 过去,某个机构有时会发布一份豁免书,表明该机构不要求使用 FIPS。然⽽,2002 年联邦信息安全管理法案 (FISMA) (PL 下107 ‑347) 取消了之前授权的 FIPS 豁免条款(有关讨论,请参阅SP ... 关于“寰球密码法律政策发展动态简报” 为深入研讨我国密码法相关制度与现实挑战,凝聚国内外密码与网络安全精英,合力推动我国密码产业发展,苏州信息安全法学所密码法研究中心特别编辑“寰球密码法律政策发展动态”简报,供政府、产业及学术同仁...
20、nitiative, Managing Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View, NIST Special Publication 800-39, March 2011. /publications/nistpubs/800-39/SP800-39-final.pdf6U.S. Department of Energy, Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Risk Management Process, 21、DOE/OE-...