NIST SP 800-53 Rev.5:2020 Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations(信息系统和组织的安全和隐私控制 - 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5 Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations JOINT TASK FORCE 文档格式:...
本次的改进不仅仅是内容上。安全公司StackRox的高级产品经理Connor Gilbert对SecurityWeek表示:“ NIST使Revision 5(SP-800)更加易于阅读和理解。即使从声明式语言转换为命令式语言,甚至进行一些细微的更改,也都使控件易于阅读。” 雷神公司网络安全和特别任务首席技术官迈克尔·戴利(Michael Daly)也认为,控制之外的改进。
Thanks very much for the input we have received for the initial public draft of SP 800-53 Revision 5. We really appreciate all of the valuable information from those “in the field” applying the guidelines and implementing the security and privacy controls. Our publications benefit greatly from...
NIST 800-53 Rev 5 now mandates threat modeling and vulnerability analyses as an essential activity. Learn how threat modeling can help with NIST compliance.
NISTpublishedSpecial Publication (SP) 800-53A Revision 5assessment procedures in multiple data formats, so agencies can process them using automated tools and free upcybersecurityassessors for more challenging work. Updatedprivacyandsupply chainrisk managementcontrols came out in September for agencies to...
The latest revision of the NIST SP 800-53 publication (revision 5) includes a new control group specifically devoted to securing supply chain security risks in cybersecurity programs. The supply chain risk management control family is comprised of 12 controls: SR-1: Policy and procedures SR-2:...
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53: “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations” (Revision 4 and Revision 5) NIST SP 800-187: “Guide to LTE Security” NIST SP 1800-19: “Trusted Cloud: VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments” ...
(SP) 800-53,Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations, Revision 5. This is a joint project of federal operational IT Security staff from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Defense Information ...
Ad NIST Draft Special Publication (SP) 800-53 Revision 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations,is a collection of hundreds of specific measures for strengthening the systems, component products and services that underlie the nation's businesses, government and critical...
NIST Draft Special Publication (SP) 800-53 Revision 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations,is a collection of hundreds of specific measures for strengthening the systems, component products and services that underlie the nation's businesses, government and critical in...