NIST SP 800 160 Volume 1 supersedes NIST SP 800-160 (20180103) ("Vol." is also accepted, and converted to "Volume") Undated form "NIST SP 800 53r4" Strip Revision and Date from title, only if the Revision and Date are unique for each document number. These are identified as "Rev....
(注37)左列列出了NIST SP 800-53中控件的编号和名称,右栏提供了与NIST SP 800-53控件相对应的表4-2推荐号。 表4-3中的控件列表不是完全全面或权威的。相反,它列出了表4-2建议最直接支持的那些控件。 注37: 表4-3 推荐映射到NIST SP 800-53安全控制 附录A...
//" integrity sha512-c2VXaCHl7zPsvpkFsw4nxvFie4fh1ur9bpcgsVkIjqn0H/Xwdg+7fv3n2r/isyS8EBj5b06M9kHyZuIr4El6WQ== dependencies: define-properties "^1.1.3" es-abstract "^1.17.0" is-...