NIST Special Publication 800-90A Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators NIST Special Publication 800-90A (A revision of SP 800-90) Recommendation for random number generation using deterministic random bit generators.
One of them is a combination technique using ISO 27005 and NIST SP 800-30 revision 1. Previous research proved that the combination technique could be implemented in a non-profit organization (government). However, the detailed risk assessment steps are not explained clearly yet. Thus, raising ...
4.“六步骤”的信息系统风险管理过程考虑实现与组织层面的风险管理相连接。 RMF的典型应用案例: RMF最典型的应用案例之一是GAO于2021年3月4日发布《Weapon System Cybersecurity Guidance Would Help DOD Programs BetterCommunicate Requirements to Contractors》(《武器系统网络安全:国防部借助指南来更好地与承包商沟通...
and Pseudorandom Number Generators forCryptographic Applications” Special Publication 800-22 Revision ...
ThisDRAFTdocumenthasbeenapprovedasFINAL,andhasbeensupersededbythefollowing publication: PublicationNumber:SpecialPublication800-53Revision4 Title:SecurityandPrivacyControlsforFederalInformation SystemsandOrganizations PublicationDate:04/30/2013 •FinalPublication:http://dx.doi/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-53r4 •Related...
Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems1, is the critical first step in understanding and managing system information and media. Based on the results of categorization, the system owner should refer to NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53 Revision 4, Securi...
The latest revision of the NIST SP 800-53 publication (revision 5) includes a new control group specifically devoted to securing supply chain security risks in cybersecurity programs. The supply chain risk management control family is comprised of 12 controls: SR-1: Policy and procedures SR-2:...
Thanks very much for the input we have received for the initial public draft of SP 800-53 Revision 5. We really appreciate all of the valuable information from those “in the field” applying the guidelines and implementing the security and privacy controls. Our publications benefit greatly from...
NIST has released SP 800-52 Revision 1, which provides guidance to federal agencies on the use of Transport Layer Security. The standard recommends that all agencies support TLS 1.2 by Jan. 1, 2015. U.S. federal government agencies are being told they should move to TLS 1.2 by the beginni...
AWS クラウドのインフラストラクチャとサービスは、NIST 800-53 Revision 4 統制と追加の FedRAMP 要件に関して第三者が実施するテストによって検証されています。AWS は、AWS GovCloud (米国) および AWS 米国東部/西部リージョンの両方について、複数の認証機関から FedRAMP Authorizations to ...