《风险管理框架》(Risk Management Framework,RMF)是NIST于2010年出版的特别出版物800-37rev1。NIST开发的此框架,提供一种灵活、动态的方法有效管理高度多样化的环境中贯穿系统全生命周期与信息系统相关的安全风险。当下,美国政府的各个机构都必须遵守RMF并将其融入信息系统管控流程。2019年RMF被写入国防部指示中,许多机构...
The NIST AI Risk Management Framework (RMF) is designed to equip organizations and individuals with approaches that increase the trustworthiness of AI systems, and to help foster the responsible design, development, deployment, and use of AI systems over time. ...
It structured into 3 level organization view, business mission and information system view. 800-37 is short for NIST SP 800-37, or NIST 800-37. 800-37 can be applied on all industry like military, airflight, etc. For IT industry it is a framework to risk management by invoking multiple...
浅析美国NIST《风险管理框架》.docx,浅析美国NIST《风险管理框架》,包括:RMF出台背景和契机、RMF机理与内容、RMF特点及效能、总结等,适合编制项目解决方案和进行信息安全管理培训。浅析美国NIST《风险管理框架》 前言 《风险管理框架》(Risk Management Framework,RMF
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published its Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) on January 26, 2023. On the same day that the NIST AI Risk Management Framework 1.0 was released, the White House announced its com...
[2] Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to FederalInformation Systems::A Security Life Cycle Approach(《联邦信息系统应用风险管理框架:安全生命周期方法》) [3] Guidelines for the Security Certification and Accreditation of Federal Information Technology Systems(联邦IT系统安全认证认可指南) ...
3、 Privacy Framework,隐私框架4、 Cybersecurity Framework,网络安全框架,简称CSF5、 Risk Management Framework,风险管理框架,简称 RMF以上三个框架在代表成果中进行介绍。6、Measurements for information security,网络安全度量“如何给老板说清楚某一项安全投入的价值?”,这是所有安全人员都绕不开的问题。对于...
1. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0, Initial Public Draft, August 8, 2023 2. Amy Mahn,Cherilyn Pascoe, It’s a Journey…Where is NIST Headed with the Cybersecurity Framework,RSAC2023 3. NIST, Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0),January 2023 ...
1. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0, Initial Public Draft, August 8, 2023 2. Amy Mahn,Cherilyn Pascoe, It’s a Journey…Where is NIST Headed with the Cybersecurity Framework,RSAC2023 3. NIST, Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0),January 2023 ...
“It’s important that we advance AI, and we do so in a way that’s rooted in our democratic values with an emphasis on transparency, privacy, and reliability. NIST’s risk management framework will help us do just that,” committee Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., said. ...