内容提示: Draft NIST Special Publication 800-160 VOLUME 2 Systems Security Engineering Cyber Resiliency Considerations for the Engineering of Trustworthy Secure Systems RON ROSS RICHARD GRAUBART DEBORAH BODEAU ROSALIE MCQUAID This document is a supporting publication to the NIST systems security engineering...
为了更好地理解网络弹性问题和解决方案,SP 800-160(II)详细描述了用来识别和分析网络弹性解决方案的网络弹性工程实践,包括网络弹性目的、目标、技术、方法和设计原则,具体如下。 (1)网络弹性目的:用于描述组织关注的更高级目标或优先级,包括目标、预期、承受、恢复和适应。 (2)网络弹性目标:是为满足组织对业务持续和...
2 NIST SP 800-160(II)的网络安全弹性框架 2019年11月,NIST发布SP 800-160(II)《开发网络弹性系统 系统安全工程方法》,介绍了理解和应用网络弹性的网络弹性工程框架以及在系统生命周期中实施网络弹性的具体注意事项。SP 800-160(II)是SP 800-160(I)和SP 800-37的支持文件,其目的是利用系统工程视角来整合系统...
[NIST 800-160, Vol.1] provides guidance on systems security engineering with an emphasis on protection against asset loss.2 In addition to security, other aspects of trustworthiness include, for example, reliability, safety, resilience, and privacy. Specialty engineering disciplines address different ...
[NIST 800-160, Vol.1] provides guidance on systems security engineering with an emphasis on protection against asset loss.2 In addition to security, other aspects of trustworthiness include, for example, reliability, safety, resilience, and privacy. Specialty engineering disciplines address different ...
SP 800-160 Vol. 2 Developing Cyber Resilient Systems: A Systems Security Engineering Approach 开发网络弹性系统:一种系统安全工程方法 Final 11/27/2019 SP 1500-4r2 NIST Big Data Interoperability Framework: Volume 4, Security and Privacy Version 3 NIST大数据互操作性框架:第4卷,安全性和隐私版本3 Fin...
So, where do you start with NIST SP 800-160 to apply these principles to your own systems? Chapters 1 and 2 lay out the definitions and concept of the security by design method. Pay special attention to when these two chapters lay out the thinking behind definitions and concepts. One of...
NIST SP 800-160 来自 sebokwiki.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 208 作者: SEBok authors 摘要: The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) provides a compendium of the key knowledge sources and references of systems engineering, organized and explained to assist a wide variety of users. It is a...
资料: NIST SP 800-160《网络安全工程技术指南》 下载地址请关注微信公众号:BJISEC(北京汇哲信安知识分享平台),并点击“菜单栏”中的“免费资料”得到地址下载即可。 北京汇哲将持续为信息安全从业者提供大量的免费资料,可把您的需求直接通过微信发送给我们,我们将及时给您回复!
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