Publications are referred to in the Topic and Author Indexes according to publication year and citation number (i.e., 95-3 refers to the third publication in the year 1995). A listing of software available from the Semiconductor Electronics Division is given on page 57, along with contacts ...
NIST SP 800-115,这是2008年更新的版本,用于取代老版本NIST SP 800-42,目前尚有一些书籍仍推荐的800-42,略微显得过时 上传者:secur17y时间:2018-08-26 NIST sp800-27.pdf The purpose of the Engineering Principles for Information Technology (IT) Security (EP-ITS) is to present a list of system-...
为改善关键基础设施⽹络安全框架 Version 1.0 国家标准与技术研究所 February12, 2014 TableofContents ExecutiveSummary (1)1.0 Framework Introduction (3)2.0 FrameworkBasics (7)3.0 HowtoUsetheFramework (13)AppendixA:FrameworkCore (18)AppendixB:Glossary (37)AppendixC:Acronyms (39)ListofFigures Figu...
20、nitiative, Managing Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View, NIST Special Publication 800-39, March 2011. /publications/nistpubs/800-39/SP800-39-final.pdf6U.S. Department of Energy, Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Risk Management Process, 21、DOE/OE-...
Cryptography:Cryptography is a central part of most security standards, and through FIPS publications, NIST sets the minimum requirements for encryption. Identity and Access Management:As part of the NIST 800 series, the organization sets standards for the proper use of authentication technologies (Auth...
NISTSpecialPublication800- 39,March2011./publications/nistpubs/800-39/SP800-39-final.pdf 39,March2011./publications/nistpubs/800-39/SP800-39-final.pdf 6 6 Elec rici ySubsec orCybersecuri yRiskManagemen Process U.S.DepartmentofEnergy,Elec rici ySubsec orCybersecuri yRiskManagemen Process,DO ...
NIST sp800-27.pdf The purpose of the Engineering Principles for Information Technology (IT) Security (EP-ITS) is to present a list of system-level security principles to be considered in the design, development, and operation of an information system. Ideally, the principles presented here would...
NIST Special Publications 800-16 and 800-50 provide guidance on security awareness and training. NIST Special Publication 800-12 provides guidance on security policies and procedures. The organization determines the appropriate content of security awareness training based on the specific requirements of ...
NIST 800-161 ICT SCRM Control Family SummaryMeeting Third-Party Risk Mitigation Requirements in NIST SP 800-161 with UpGuard The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has produced several publications addressing the different components of information security within the NIST 800 computer...
NIST SP 800-144 is mainly geared toward decision-making executives, information officers, and system managers. It also mentions an exhaustive list of other SP NIST publications that directly relate to cloud computing and can be used in conjunction with NIST SP 800-144. ...