我们都知道 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 的车价,已经是被炒上天,而近日海外市场,有这辆神车 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 Series 2 S-Tune 以拍卖方式出售,开价折合人民币约 232万元,重点是搭载 RB28DETT 2.8L Twin Turbo 引擎,大量 Nismo Carbon Fiber 套件,你们会考虑吗?根据车主分享的资料看,今天这辆...
我们都知道 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 的车价,已经是被炒上天,而近日海外市场,有这辆神车 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 Series 2 S-Tune 以拍卖方式出售,开价折合人民币约 232万元,重点是搭载 RB28DETT 2.8L Twin Turbo 引擎,大量 Nismo Carbon Fiber 套件,你们会考虑吗? 根据车主分享的资料看,今天这辆 Skyli...
超稀有Nissan SkylineGT-R Nismo 400R 天价出售 全球限量40辆,身价不断涨,最贵JDM之一!相信大家都知道JDM近年来的车价格越来越高,越来越夸张!而在国外有一辆号称“史上最贵 GT-R”之一已经出售,那就是 NissanSkyline GT-R Nismo 400R,全球限量40 辆,JDM 的魅力就是无法抵挡,你们觉得值得吗?
根据国外媒体 Hyberbeast 报道,这辆 Skyline GT-R Nismo 400R 外形与车况非常好,全车几乎保持原装的状态,外形也非常经典,采用超经典的“Deep Marine Blue”深海蓝车漆 + 400R专属拉花,再配上专属 Nismo 的改装空力套件,18寸 Nismo 锻造轮圈,整个造型依旧非常酷炫帅气!重点是 Nissan GT-R Nismo 400R 当年还...
美国亚马逊 2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R 1/24 Pearl White - Maisto Diecast Models历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名2009 Nissan Skyline GT-R 1/24 Pearl White - Maisto Diecast Models
Price(USD): $65000 Add to favorites You may call it a BRAND NEW SKYLINE GTR This one one of our cleanest and best modified GTRs. 1996 Skyline GT-R BCNR33 with 73,000 km true mileage (chassis mileage). The car has no rust, no mechanical or electric issues, all the components ...
而在国外有一辆号称“史上最GT-R”之一已出,那就Nissan Skyline GT-R Nismo 400R,...
The Nissan GT-R is one legend, but it’s made of many stories. The original Skyline™ started it all, while the GT-R NISMO® was born to compete. The GT-R T-spec® celebrates the specially curated editions of the GT-R over the years, while the GT-R T-spec Takumi Edition ...
The Maisto 1:24 1973 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R KPGC110 alloy car model is an excellent choice. It's not just a toy; it's a piece of automotive history that can be cherished for years to come. The model's blue color and diecast features make it an attractive centerpiece for any collect...