NV200VANette Multi-Bed 2WD入门前驱车款在日本市场的价格由2,833,600日币起跳,而高规AWD四驱车型售价则由3,197,700日币起跳。两种等级NV200VANette皆搭载了同一具1.6升自然进气4缸汽油引擎。 上市13年来,Nissan NV200/Evalia在全球不同市场推出过包含Chevrolet City Express、Mitsubishi Delica D:3 以及Ashok Leylan...
Recommended Tyres for Nissan NV200 Vanette 1.6A DX Radar Rivera Pro 2 Tyre (2024)From : $65.00 Westlake RP18 Tyre (2024)From : $95.00 Kumho Solus TA51 Tyre (2024)From : $92.00 Hankook Kinergy Eco 2 (K435) Tyre (2024)From : $99.00 Find the best deals for your need Products and...
Nissan Japan will launch theNissan NV200(what we know as theNissan Evalia) Vantette LPG taxi for local commercial use on the 30th of August. The NV200 Vanette LPG has the capability to run on both LPG and petrol through a switch inside the cabin that allows the driver to choose the des...
Designed specifically for the Nissan NV200 Evalia, Vanette, and other models from 2010 to 2016, this sun visor is not just a stylish addition but a practical one as well. Its sleek, modern design complements the NV200's aesthetics, while its high-quality aluminum foil material ensures that ...