Although availability is limited for the Nissan JUKE, you can enjoy the same customizable accessories and sporty performance in the Nissan Kicks.
After the 2013 Midnight Edition Nissan Juke was introduced, Nissan introduced the 2016 Midnight Edition lineup. The lineup showed how sleek and stylish black and dark accents look good on any vehicle. Even though they are no longer in production, these vehicles continue to stand out with their...
The Juke puts the FUN in funky, making it perfect for those who want a spry and speedy little runabout that also stands out in traffic.
Nissan Juke.The article evaluates the Nissan Juke automobile.RobinsonAaronCar & Driver
If you’re looking to turn up the insanity on the standard and already-cheeky Juke, there’s the NISMO and NISMO RS.
Top Gear reviews the Nissan Juke. The looks might be polarising but it's not actually ugly and certainly not – bigger crime – bland. Full TG verdict inside.
國內新車試駕 超吸睛的外觀造型,是這次Juke眾人討論的重點,Nissan這次的確在外觀設計成功地打造了一部話題不斷的Mini SUV,誇張的輪拱造型,跳脫想像的造形設計,加上非常強調運動化底盤的調教,讓這部Juke 有很多你預想不到的個性與定位。褒貶與否給市場決定,但Juke的創新,相信大家都看到了!
这是JUKE的屁股,很多人如果先看到屁股会把它当成国内的劲客的 看到红色那辆JUKE了吗?对于这款车很多人说是国内的劲客,也有人说换个车标就是一辆英菲尼迪嘛,你怎么看啊?这是NOTE,是Nissan生产的一款油电混合汽车 Note的侧面。说到油电混合汽车,很多人以为Nissan是没有生产的,其实他只是不引进中国。这也是...
With the launch of the all-new ENIGMA special version, Nissan Juke continues to push the boundaries of bold design, bringing a new level of style to the iconic compact crossover.Expanding Juke’s suite of advanced technologies, ENIGMA also introduces Amazon Alexa voice experience compatib...