1607 1 26:55 App 【GOONZQUAD】Rebuilding A Wrecked 2024 Nissan GTR (Part 6) 153 -- 22:38 App 【🇺🇸Devin Niemela】修复一台最终版的三菱EVO 10(第四集) 3041 2 4:02 App Bayside Blue Nissan Skyline R34 Gtr V-Spec [4K] 116 -- 6:55 App 【尼桑GT-R】换装IPE排气系统的GTR R35...
星野好造驾驶的车型是为了纪念R34 GT-R车型在纽博格林的佳绩,日产为此事推出的Nurburgring Spec-V版车型。跟以前的Skyline车型一样,一贯采用着RB26DETT引擎和日产的专利型ATTESA E-TS全时四轮驱动系统。日产也吸取了R32和R33失败的教训后,改善了R32和R33转向不足、车身太
Nissan Skyline (R34) GT-R – Midnight Purple – 1999 Ref : S1804303 Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating (1 customer review) The Nissan Skyline R34 GTR is an extremely popular car thanks to, amongst other things, the film Fast & Furious. Skyline purists, on the other ...
【紫色战神:Nissan Skyline GT-R34】GTR34被欧美无数改装专家评选为最佳改装车款,其改装潜力可高达1000匹以而发动机不会爆缸。skyline GTR R34于2001年被日本政府直接干预禁产,因为GTR R34实在无法到达日本国家规定的马力上限280,反复的下压后最低只能到达300余匹。 û...
The question of whether a Skyline is a GTR is answered with a resounding yes, as the R34 GT-T is a direct descendant of the legendary GTR lineage. This model is not just a toy; it's a piece of automotive history that will be cherished by collectors and enthusiasts alike. NISSAN SKY...
Unleash the thrill of the Fast & Furious with this 1:32 scale Nissan GTR R34 GT-R R35 diecast model. Made from durable metal, this collectible toy car is perfect for children aged 4-18+.
LZ R34 Nissan Skyline GTR Midnight Purple III Vspec Detail Series E1- Decon // #每日一战神# - Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR34 #洗车了喂# #洗车Style# #东瀛战神# #SSCS TV# http://t.cn/AikLk4EJ
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2025东京改装展|实拍未来感GTR R356C,这辆“最丑”GTR战神竟还拿奖了? A小志说车 GTR R35:车界的猛兽对决 蚁人侃车 Nissan R35 GTR:4K电影级视觉盛宴 郑钇汽车 Hakosuka GT-R定制LED车牌,感受JDM经典 小弟车评 GTR聚会狂欢:经典Skyline车型大集合 AutoStar01 豪华日产GTR,国内罕见,独特魅力不容错过 汽...
inno Nissa..来自inno 的日产gtr r34经典的湾岸蓝配色,轮毂白色相较于同模具其他题材,这个车尾翼较低车尾四环灯醒目仍然是塑料底,inno r34模具中真的很难有铁底的题材总体不错,后期需要换轮