The schedule was busy without being overly hectic. Thanks also to our great driver, Dragan Read more Written May 19, 2024 JessW37 0 contributions Best day! This tour was amazing. We changed our itinerary slightly as we decided to stay in Pristina the night before the tour, so our ...
1.7.6 (2024-06) What's New Made finished notification icon color to red Added download path in the history item details sheet Fixed Download On Schedule feature. Switched back to AlarmManager as its more accurate than WorkManager Removed move to top and to bottom in the scheduled tab. Code...
resetScheduleTimeForItems(existingIDs) existingIDs.forEach { updateDownloadID(it, -it) } downloads.filter { !existingIDs.contains(it) }.reversed().forEach { updateDownloadID(it, it + existingIDs.size) downloads.filter { !existingIDs.contains(it) }.toMutableList().apply { this.reverse() ...
predict the masked tokens and only keep a certain percentage of the most confident predictions based on the N and mask schedule. Mask the remaining ones and pass them off to the U-ViT model pass the final output to the VQGAN decoder to obtain the final image As mentioned at the beginning...