NIS-Elements AR User ManualManual, User
尼康NIS-Elements高级研究AR旗舰软件包 tel: 400-6699-117转1000 尼康显微图像分析系统, 灵活的软件平台,用于控制尼康显微镜和第三方设备,以及图像采集和分析;具有强大的自定义编程工具。尼康的旗舰软件包针对高级研... 在线客服 讨论群 针对 尼康NIS-Elements高级研究AR旗舰软件包 产品的讨论(最新的40个讨论) ...
荧光图像,明场图像、电镜数据、免疫组化数据(HE染色等)、医学影像数据(CT、MRI等)。 XY,XYZ,XYZT,XYZTC 2D-6D图像。 预约说明: 1、优先进行网上预约;无预约但仪器有空余机时,所有人可随时无预约上机测试; 2.特殊情况可与实验员联系进行时间调节。 3.获得上机资格的学生可以申请在非工作时间上机。
轻松组合图像和分析结果,以创建美丽的数字 数据导出到Excel、Matlab或任何第三方或客户软件 产品彩页 下载5.02MB 软件 NIS-Elements 相关产品 相机 ECLIPSE Ti2系列 SMZ25 / SMZ18 Select Your Region and Language Products and Promotions may differ based on your selected Region. ...
SKU:Ni-NIS-Elements-softwareNikon’s NIS-Elements revolutionizes imaging software for the microscopy market by combining automated intelligence to microscopes, cameras, components and peripherals with powerful archiving, analysis, and visualization tools. Its intuitive interface simplifies workflow and speeds ...
NIS-Elements AR (nis_ar.exe). NIS-Elements AR handles multi-dimensional imaging, with support for capture, display, peripheral device control...
NIS-Elements offers advanced 3D and 2D deconvolution modules for improving image quality. Upload your image to our NIS-Elementsdeconvolution test siteto see the difference. Visit Website Select Your Region and Language Products and Promotions may differ based on your selected Region. ...
NIS-Elements Basic Research (BR) NIS-Elements BR is suited for standard research applications such as analysis and photodocumentation of fluorescent imaging. It features up to four dimensional acquisition capabilities and advanced device control capabilities. While not as full featured as the AR ...
Similarly, the elements and I(sxm,yo,oz,t3h) provide the distances by which Ix y z will be shifted along the Y and Z-axes, respectively. In our experiments, we used spline interpolation and values for ∈ {} . Each element in coarse serves as an anchor point controlling the ...