The Minister of State for Education and External Affairs Rajkumar Ranjan Singh released the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Rankings 2023 today (June 5) and here is the list of ones from Belagavi. University Visvesvaraya Technological University – Rank 63 Overall RANK 92 – All cri...
Here we are providing you a list of top engineering colleges in India according to Mystudycart research team and NIRF ranking. You can see the top engineering colleges in India region-wise i.e. south, north, west and east.The criteria for selecting the top engineering colleges: Academics ...
IIM Kozhikode MBA ranking by India Today is 8 out of 292 colleges in India in 2020 and it was 7 out of 284 colleges in India in 2019.
The aim of this study is to analysis performance of self-financing engineering colleges and compare with five candidate institutions based on the data collected from the NIRF 2018 ranking. In this short communication, we compare the performance of self-financing engineering colleges and compare it ...
Dewan, AsthaIASSI Quarterly