Pydra task interface for Dcm2niix DICOM to NIfTI conversion utility - Release v1.3a1 · nipype/pydra-dcm2niix
// cmd/ UKFTractography # cmd/ dcm2niix # cmd/ ANTs # cmd/ tract_querier #
'functional_2.dcm']>>> doctest: +SKIPInputs::[Mandatory]in_files:(alistofitemswhichareanexistingfilename)dicomfilestobeconverted[Optional]format:('nii'or'img',nipypedefaultvalue:nii)
node=Node(spm.DicomImport(),name='dcm2nii') 此时,node就变成了一个能执行Dicom2nii任务的节点了,执行help命令,可以看到其参数与DicomImport的参数是完全一样的。 除了使用Interface以外(这恐怕是最常见的应用了),还可以自定义函数,比如这样(这个例子来源于官方的文档): fromnipypeimportNode,Function defadd_two...
You'll also need to install mricron, and make sure that its dcm2nii DICOM conversion application is on your PATH. Environment Variables The HCP Pipelines make heavy use of environment variables - most of that is taken care of by the nipype workflow. But there are still a couple of variabl...
dcm2niix -o outputDir -f namePrefix -z y -e y -b y dicomDir Run and monitor Once you're ready to run the pipeline: ./pnlpipe std run This runs thestdpipeline for every combination of parameters instd.params. Since we're using the defaults, there is only one combination of parame...
[ fixed1.nii, moving1.nii, 1, 32 ] \ --convergence [ 100x50x30, 1e-09, 20 ] --smoothing-sigmas 2.0x1.0x0.0vox --shrink-factors 3x2x1 \ --use-estimate-learning-rate-once 1 --use-histogram-matching 1 --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.0, 1.0 ] \ --write-composite-transform 1...