The BSP editor provides a graphical front end that drives the software build tools. To launch the Nios II BSP editor, you use the following command: nios2-bsp-editor 1 For details about how to use the BSP editor, launch the tool and refer to the onscreen explanatory text. ■ Software ...
Quartus should be open, bring that to the front of your screen. Make sure the hierarchy tab is highlighted and double click the baseline design. Note that for this design there is a clock, reset, push button inputs, LED outputs, and a JTAG UART. The JTAG UART pins are hard wire... ( (I took those links from this page: ( ...
The BSP editor provides a graphical front end that drives the software build tools. To launch the Nios II BSP editor, you use the following command: nios2-bsp-editor 1 For details about how to use the BSP editor, launch the tool and refer to the onscreen explanatory text. ■ Software ...