The Nioh Collection – Review Back in 2017, Nioh came as a big surprise, and as a semi-exclusive for Sony’s PlayStation 4. Even though Tecmo Koei still published the game on PC, not having this game on the Xbox One and now the Xbox Series X or S is still a big hit to take. ...
Search the indicated locations to find all 150 Kodamas inNioh 2. Find all of them to get the “Kodama Leader” trophy. None of the Kodamas are missable, as you can collect them after the story using level select. If you have an accessory with the “Kodama Sensor...
仁王2 基本系統跟前作相差不多 老手較易上手 遊戲無論是在遊戲地圖設計、畫面品質、角色動作等跟前作相差不多,如「殘心」、「架勢」等系統仍然有保留,遊戲介面亦有所提升,不過技能點改為利用累積熟練度來獲取,升級除了可提升自身的能力外,就成為武士技能點的主要來源。不過亦因為這樣,對於已玩過前作的玩家來...