Fixed an Expedition related issue in the mission, “A Strong Bond,” where if you continue after failing under certain circumstances, the treasure chest that was a part of the mission requirements would disappear and it would become impossible to proceed. Fixed an issue where common rarity Soul ...
Nioh 2 Best Weapons There are roughly 16 categories, under which the weapons in Nioh 2 lie. These are Swords, Dual Swords, Spears, Splitstaff, Axes and Hammer, Kusarigamas, Odachis, Tonfas, Hatchets, Switchglaives, Bows, Hand Cannons, Rifles, Fist Weapons, Yokai Weapons, and Blessed We...
Mission End Text (A Familiar Glow, Tokichiro): "I don't know where in the world we are, but it's great to see you again.It seems whatever bond we share can't be got rid of that easily. Yep, we're partners forever, Hiddy!Well, it seems it's about time to part ways, but ...