结合图3d和3f来看,可得知-C-C键可溯源于碳包覆,而C=O键和C-O-C键则是基于碳包覆表面的氧化层。 Figure 3. a) Raman spectra of CC, IENiO-CC, and C@IENiO-CC. b) XPS survey spectrum and c) corresponding contents of Ni, O, C, and Mg of C@IENiO-CC. d-f) High-resolution XPS spe...
采用电化学法一步制备了镍醇盐配合物Ni(OEt) 2 (acac) 2 (acac为乙酰丙酮基 ) ,并以其作为前驱体 ,控制一定水解条件制得胶体 ,分别在 4 5 0℃ ,60 0℃煅烧均得到具有立方晶型的纳米NiO粉体 .通过红外光谱 (FT_IR),核磁共振 (1HNMR),拉曼光谱 (Ramanspectrum),X_射线粉末衍射 (XRD),透射电子显微镜...
FTIR spectrum of (a) pureLiNbO3, Ag-decorated LiNbO3at (b) 5 s, (c) 15 s, (d) 25 s, (e) 35 s and (f) 45 s. Full size image Raman spectra measured Figure9illustrates the Raman spectra with the wave numbers ranging from 200 to 1000. The peaks for pure LiNbO3were observed a...
The existence of NiO is further demonstrated by Raman spectrum (Fig. 2b) showing four broad peaks corresponding to one-phonon longitu- dinal optical mode (LO at 531 cm−1)8, two-phonon transverse optical mode (2TO at 722 cm−1)18, TO + LO (at Scientific Reports |...
The Raman spectrum exhibited the transformation of antiferromagnetic to superparamagnetic transition confirmed from the absence of magnon peak. The XPS spectrum presented the observation of Ni 2p and O 1s levels with higher intense peak nature for hydrothermal treated NiO than microwave. The hysteresis ...
For La1 2/3Sr1/3NiO4—a commensurately doped Mott–Hubbard system— charge- and spin-ordering in a stripe phase have been investigated by phononic and magnetic Raman scattering. Formation of a superlattice and an opening of a pseudo-gap in the electron-hole excitation spectra, as well as ...
The Raman spectrum of the NiO-rGO composite showed characteristic D and G bands of rGO, confirming its presence in the composite. The NiO-rGO composite emitter showed promising field emission behaviour. The values of turn-on and threshold fields, defined at emission current density of 1 and 10...
According to the XRD, Raman and FTIR patterns, it revealed that face-centered cubic nickel oxide was prepared on the rGO. The weight ratio of NiO in the rGO@NiO composite was about 50.2% by TG-DSC analysis. The surface of rGO@NiO composite seemed flat relatively with less pleats, ...
confirming composite nature. To substantiate the XRD data, Raman spectra of the samples were recorded and the obtained spectra are shown in Fig.1(b). The Raman spectrum of the Ni/NiO (1:1) sample consists of single Raman shift at about 500 cm−1which corresponds to the Ni-O bond17...
whereI2040–2300(numerator) andI2400–2450(denominator) represent the integrated intensities in the Raman spectrum regions between the wavenumbers 2040 and 2300 cm–1(the C–D peak whose intensity is affected by deuterium55) and between 2400 and 2450 cm−1(reference region where background...