MVRDV为中国电动汽车品牌“蔚来NIO”在荷兰鹿特丹设计的“蔚来中心” (NIO House Rotterdam) 现已动工, 这是蔚来汽车位于荷兰的第一个品牌体验空间。MVRDV的设计将鹿特丹大胆且不拘一格的城市精神和蔚来品牌成熟而温暖的美学相融合。同时融入蔚来体验空间的独特风格:置入咖啡厅、活动空间和儿童游乐区等宜群元素,打造灵活...
NIO House Rotterdam, the first location in the Netherlands for the electric car manufacturer NIO, is now open. With an interior design by MVRDV, the store mixes the rugged and bold expression of the city of Rotterdam with the sophisticated yet warm aesthetic of the NIO brand. At the same t...
NIO House Rotterdam, the first location in the Netherlands for the electric car manufacturer NIO, mixes the rugged and bold expression of the city of Rotterdam...
MVRDV-designed NIO House in Rotterdam opened 24 Mar 2023•News•ByRonnie Weessies A multifunctional showroom for electric car brand NIO opened in Rotterdam on Thursday. The Chinese car brand's first Dutch branch on the Meent was designed byMVRDV. The interior of the NIO House combined the...
MVRDV LOCATION: Rotterdam, Netherlands 电动汽车品牌NIO 蔚来的多功能展厅于不久前在鹿特丹开幕。这个中国汽车品牌在荷兰的第一家门店是由MVRDV设计,坐落在Meent咖啡馆和服装店之间。NIO House的内部设计结合了 "鹿特丹的原始性 "和该品牌的极简主义美学,并带有温暖的触感。 ©Ossip van Duivenbode ©Ossip van...
House. This community space offers co-working areas, cafes, workout facilities, playrooms for children and more. NIO Houses exist in more than 80 places around the world, with locations planned for Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Gothenburg, Hamburg, R...
House. This community space offers co-working areas, cafes, workout facilities, playrooms for children and more. NIO Houses exist in more than 80 places around the world, with locations planned for Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Gothenburg, Hamburg, R...