bringing you the retro games you love in gorgeous clarity. Each console comes with two wired, classic controllers with the same look and feel that you remember. Additionally, if you downloaded SNES titles to your Nintendo Wii or Wii U, you can connect these controllers and play them the way...
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Prior-gen N64 dev mules in this state are worth $750-1000, and only above $2000 if they're completely, fully-functional prototypes. Latter gen Wii developement prototypes have gone for around the $700 mark if they're fully-working prototypes. I'm no expert in this field, but I'd be ...
The Nintendo Wired Fight Pad plugs directly into the Wii Remote, so you can enjoy a hassle-free gaming experience. No additional connectors necessary. info: We aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified ...
Fans of the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii will be all over Hunters like a Metroid at a brain-draining festival. This first-person shooter takes place between Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime: Echoes and received tonnes of awards when it first came out. Personally, I don’t know why peop...
求助!为了玩NGC的萨尔达4支剑➕,买了4根NGC和GBA的联机线,和4台GBA (两台还快递在路上),在wii上用NGC模拟器运行的游戏,先进的游戏,再开机GBA,为什么GBA上没有画面,不知道是4根线不通,还是两台GBAsp的联机口不通。这怎么解决?用精密电子清洁剂或比除锈剂喷GBA的联机口? 176Shiero 3-7 25...
可以像WII上玩NGC 一样设置虚拟记忆卡吗? 设置太多了 全是英文看不懂··· Duyes 1-10 4 开机没有开机画面了 疯狂的山驴 好久没通电了 出这个画面什么意思啊 借的图 原图忘拍了 asfeixue 1-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页> 尾页 共有主题数3586个,贴子数 43955篇会员数5478 ...
求助!为了玩NGC的萨尔达4支剑➕,买了4根NGC和GBA的联机线,和4台GBA (两台还快递在路上),在wii上用NGC模拟器运行的游戏,先进的游戏,再开机GBA,为什么GBA上没有画面,不知道是4根线不通,还是两台GBAsp的联机口不通。这怎么解决?用精密电子清洁剂或比除锈剂喷GBA的联机口? 176Shiero 3-7 25 【简...
With the backwards compatibility of the original Wii, one can enjoy these 4 titles as well as 3 other 阅读商品评价全文 5 颗星(共 5 颗星)评价人: ctyr_982020-10-28 Pricy, but a must-own for fans This collection is quite pricy and the version of Majoras Mask ...