一位自称“NextHandheld”的Reddit用户声称,他不仅见过Nintendo Switch 2的实际零售机,还亲自触摸过。这一令人振奋的消息,在曝光了一些疑似实物照片和详尽细节后,更是引起了广泛关注。Nintendo Switch 2的详细曝光:实际照片与丰富细节据“NextHandheld”所述,他不仅亲眼目睹了Switch 2的底座,还亲手拍摄了数张高清...
【switch2】近日,在Reddit论坛的NintendoSwitch2子版块,一位名叫“NextHandheld”的用户发帖称,他已经拿到了Switch 2真机,并将会在圣诞节期间发布证据,这引起了Reddit论坛网友的激烈讨论。帖子上他还回复了玩家们的提问,以下是一些要点:售价是399-499美元之间目前不清楚首发游戏会推出一款之前没有出过的主题限定款主机...
Leaks and rumours regarding the upcoming 'Switch 2' have seemingly exploded since the beginning of 2025, with accessory maker Genki in particular causing a stir with its recent exhibit at CES 2025. Not only that, but photos shared via Reddit seem to showcase a genuine Joy-Con from the Switc...
Give it time, though, and it may very well become one of your most-played Switch games. Set in the titular post-apocalyptic town, it's your job to bring Portia back from the brink by completing missions and crafting your way back to prominence. Your relationships with the townspeople grow...
The Nintendo Switch continues to shine, and its indie game library is a big reason why. Indie games, developed by independent studios or even single developers, are often 2D with unique art styles and rich narratives. They’re made without the backing of large studios, are more affordable tha...
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Via reddit Continue reading “Keebin’ With Kristina: The One With The Cutting Board Keyboard” → Posted in Hackaday Columns, Peripherals Hacks, SliderTagged casio, casio calculator, cutting board, flashing keyboards, holy grail, IBM Selectric, Nintendo Switch, QMK, Selectric II Mapping...
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