硬声是电子发烧友旗下广受电子工程师喜爱的短视频平台,推荐专为Switch打造,适用于电视机扩展HDMI,Nintendo任天堂原装充电底座拆解 视频给您,在硬声你可以学习知识技能、随时展示自己的作品和产品、分享自己的经验或方案、与同行畅快交流,无论你是学生、工程师、原厂、
Turn the TV set on, and select the correct HDMI input. Nintendo Switch Open the back cover of the Nintendo Switch dock. Connect the USB plug from the Nintendo Switch AC adapter (model no. HAC-002) to the top terminal of the dock, labeled "AC ADAPTER", then connect the other end of ...
Turn on your TV and then use your TV's controls to select the HDMI input to which your console is connected. * If there are multiple HDMI ports, please make sure you correctly select the one to which your Nintendo Switch is connected. Turn your system on, and once you see the HOME M...
1.switch两种标准套装都包含NS本体屏幕,Dock底座,Joy-Con一组,Joy-Con握把(Grip)一个,NS AC变压器(充电器)一个,HDMI线一条以及Joy-Con腕带一组。另外机器本身还自带32G闪存。2.switch主机介绍主机正面主机背面3.switch底座介绍底座正面底座背面3.Joy-Con手柄介绍Joy-Con正面Joy-Con背面Joy-Con侧面4.Joy-Con腕带...
1、准备好Switch,笔记本电脑,电源适配器和HDMI数据线。 2、用电源适配器给Switch接上电源。 3、HDMI数据线两端接口分别连接配置盒和笔记本电脑。 4、连接好后,Switch画面就出现在电脑显示屏上了。 Nintendo Switch拥有一对可以分拆的手柄,名字叫作Joy-Con。Joy-Con平时装在主机两侧,当你需要在电视上玩游戏时,你可...
Switch to TV Mode Switch dock supports expansion to large screens such as TVs by using a PD charger. Note:Switch on TV mode, need to connect powersupply and HDMI at the same time, charging power needs to be greater than 39W. 5Gbps data transmission Rate ...
switch is connected to, theHDMI 1input forHDMI In 1, for example. If you confirm all of these aspects of your hardware connection are correct and still don't see output, try a different HDMI cable or HDMI port on your TV as the first of either of these could be faulty. Remaining ...
京东(JD.COM)为您提供Nintendo SwitchNVL-C-ABAT(CHN)、创视之星CSZX-890HDMI的详细参数信息对比,告诉您Nintendo SwitchNVL-C-ABAT(CHN)和创视之星CSZX-890HDMI的区别,供您参考Nintendo SwitchNVL-C-ABAT(CHN)和创视之星CSZX-890HDMI买哪个好,选购到满意商品。
This Switch TV dock features 1 HDMI port, 1 USB 3.0 port, 1 switch button, 2 USB . Connect it with HDMI supported output devices such as TVs, computer monitors & laptops, with a USB 3.0 port to connect with a USB controller or controller adapter. ...