在《集合啦!動物森友會》裡,一台Nintendo Switch可以製作一個島嶼(儲存資料),登錄在主機的所有用戶會共用一個島嶼遊玩。由於用戶操作的居民(玩家)的資訊也保存於該主機共用的儲存資料裡,即使利用Nintendo Switch主機功能的「儲存資料轉移」或「轉移用戶」,也不能把儲存資料由一台主機轉移到另一台主機上。
This feature allows you to move one save data file per game, per user, from one Nintendo Switch family console to another console that is nearby. It does not create a copy of your save data. Once the transfer is complete, the save data file on the source console is deleted. A Ninten...
Transfer your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island to another Nintendo Switch Console. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a single island (save data file) is created per Nintendo Switch console, and all users on the console share that island. Since save data for all players is stored together ...
本吧热帖: 1-机器问题求助。 2-【求助】不小心把正版系统升级成19.0.1现在无法用注入器引导 3-[XCI] 文明7 v1.0.2魔改整合版 4-分享贴子 5-从没见过这么厚颜无耻之人! 6-2024年Switch游戏合集,持续更新 7-请教兄弟们,买哪个版本 8-NS《八方旅人\歧路旅人》港版中文版nsp/
Does the Switch have a usb port for a thumb drive or something? If there's a way to share save game files, you can use the internal storage of the save game to transfer. Posting from phone, so don't remember exact wording, but when you're in the blueprints menu, there are "My ...
Mickey's Speedway USA (USA): To unlock the secret character Huey, the player would normally need to possess Mickey's Speedway USA on the Game Boy Color with data and use the Nintendo 64 Transfer Pak to transfer information to the N64 version. This hack unlocks that exclusive character withou...
Need an editor for MHXX Switch or MHGU? MHXX Switch Save Editor by Dawnshifterbased off of v0.09c of this project. Instructions for editing MHGU saves with Dawnshifter's forkhere. It may be possible to transfer your edited MHXX save file from the 3DS/2DS to the Switch and back. Referto...
Actually, there was always a reason to smile, period, as who can forget the adorable animations that were Banjo-Kazooie’s save files, where the duo would sleep, cook, and even play a Game Boy. - Adam Bankhurst 3. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask The Legend of Zelda: Majora'...
If you already have a microSD card, transfer your data between your console's system memory and your microSD card. Head to nintendo.com tolearn more about managing the data on your Nintendo Switch™. Still having problems? Check out the EA SPORTS FC™ Forumsto get help from other play...
本吧热帖: 1-各位老哥?软破的switch好还是硬破的switch好啊? 2-switch专业改价 3-switch oled降低屏闪插件分享 4-新手求助!!!硬破tx想转大气层!!! 5-武汉本地 实体店ns焊接 刷机 硬破 业务 良心价 6-分享贴子 7-SWITCHSWITCH前端 wili1.5.0 8-虚拟系统升级 进不去了