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本吧热帖: 1-硬破大气层switch答疑解惑贴。 2-有没有大哥给一个紫3.0.1的金手指?要能指定遇怪的那种 3-【安卓 PC】昏迷2B地下墓穴|中文|1.4.0升补 3DLC 4-能安全下车了吗? 5-萌新求助,这啥问题 6-自己动手拆机剪铝板! 7-问一下大家关于switch背板那个进风口的问题哈 8-s
2月28日(五)發布的最新遊戲軟體資訊。 ※於nintendo eshop購買遊戲軟體後,會直接於已設定為「隨時遊玩的主機」的nintendo switch自動下載(需要開啟主機電源並連接網路)。付款前請於頁面右上角確認登入中的nintendo account。 ※如遊戲軟體設有體驗版,可於其nintendo eshop商品頁面直接下載。 ※無法於nintendo eshop...
To download a game on Nintendo Switch, pressAon the shopping bag-shapedNintendo eShopbutton on the home screen. Find the game you wish to download, then purchase it. The game will automatically begin downloading. JUMP TO KEY SECTIONS Downloading a game you purchased from the Nintendo eShop Re...
The games you can't play without Joy-Con Controllers - Switch Lite, the portable-only version of Nintendo's console, offers a cheaper way of jumping on the S...
“The Game Card Could Not Be Read” error happens when the Nintendo Switch can’t read the game card. This usually means there’s a connection problem between the card and the console. Common causes include dirty or damaged pins on the card, dust in the card slot, or a weak connection...
Code Issues Pull requests JK's Save Manager Switch Edition homebrew nintendo switch nintendo-switch save-manager Updated Feb 1, 2025 C++ darthcloud / BlueRetro Sponsor Star 1.4k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Multiplayer Bluetooth controllers adapter for retro video game consoles adapter...
The game will begin downloading. Playing Digital Games On the Switch With so many digital game options, you’re unlikely to run out of things to play on the Switch. Not only can you find Nintendo’s major titles on the eShop, but there are tons of great indie games to try out too. ...
本頁面為 Nintendo Switch 版 Minecraft 提供相關常見問題的解答。 如需有關 Nintendo Switch 版 Minecraft 的常見問題,請捲動到本頁面底部。 Nintendo Switch 版 Minecraft 的常見問題 全部展開 什麼是 Minecraft 基岩版? 我已經擁有 Nintendo Switch 版 Minecraft。 如何取得這個較新的版本? 我目前擁有的 DLC...
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