Nintendo Switch模拟器Yuzu正式关闭,开发人员须赔付任天堂240万美元 Yuzu是一款Nintendo Switch(以下简称NS)的模拟器软件,该软件可以让NS平台上的游戏在PC上运行,包括但不限于《塞尔达:荒野之息》、《异度之刃》系列以及《马里奥》系列等。但因为版权问题,上个月末,任天堂正式对Yuzu的开发者Tropic Haze提起诉讼。
linux下Nint..最近,由3DS模拟器citra的开源开发团队推出的Nintendo Switch模拟器Yuzu进度惊人,目前已经正常可以运行多款热门游戏。这款模拟器发布于2018年,就是Nintendo Switch
After you download a Nintendo Switch Game ROM, you will need to know how to make it work. To use a Switch ROM, you need: An emulator: Currently, we have three popular and safe Nintendo Switch emulators, which are Yuzu, Ryujinx, and Egg NS. ...
Nintendo has sued the developers of the Nintendo Switch emulator called Yuzu in US federal court, with the intent of squashing Yuzu for good.
号称拥有“最强法务部”的Nintendo近日就游戏模拟器问题对Yuzu发起诉讼,指控其破解Switch并绕过防盗机制,开发Switch模拟器。据悉Nintendo在Switch上加入了防止Switch平台游戏在其他设备上运行的技术。著名游戏记者Stephen Totilo日前在X(前称Twitter)转贴美国法庭文件,表示Nintendo指控Yuzu违反《数字千禧年版权法》(DMCA) ...
Nintendo控告Switch模拟器Yuzu涉嫌大规模促进盗版 号称拥有“最强法务部”的Nintendo近日就游戏模拟器问题对Yuzu发起诉讼,指控其破解Switch并绕过防盗机制,开发Switch模拟器。据悉Nintendo在Switch上加入了防止Switch平台游戏在其他设备上运行的技术。 著名游戏记者Stephen Totilo日前在X(前称Twitter)转贴美国法庭文件,表示...
yuzu is the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator — started by the creators of Citra. It is written in C++ with portability in mind, and we actively maintain builds for Windows, Linux and Android. Compatibility | Development | Building | Download | Support | License...
yuzuis the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator — started by the creators ofCitra. It is written in C++ with portability in mind, and we actively maintain builds for Windows and Linux. Compatibility|Development|Building|Download|Support|License ...
Nintendo S..由3DS模拟器citra的开源开发团队推出的Nintendo Switch模拟器Yuzu,目前已经可以运行不少多款热门游戏。不过由于依赖比较复杂对于linux下安装并不算特别友好。今天,Yuzu官方在
You are all set to explore the world of Nintendo Switch games on your Android smartphone. However, do note that the Yuzu emulator doesn’t support a quick save feature, meaning you need to use the in-game save feature to save your game progress. This can be done easily by pressing the...