Avoid buying entire Nintendo accounts; stick to redeeming unique codes. While there are plenty of great sales on the Nintendo Switch eShop, there's nothing wrong with looking for a bargain. Unfortunately, I almost got caught in a weird scam selling a Nintendo Account full of games. So here'...
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任天堂Switch上市,同时发售的还有Switch Pro控制器。这个手柄可以直接在PC上使用。手柄内置电池,充一次电可高达40小时续航时间。加速器感应器和陀螺仪感应器,使得游戏中有更加精准的操作。在右摇杆边缘,能看到几个8-BIT风文字,这段文字是“thx2allgamefans!”也就是“感谢所有游戏玩家”的意思。 [2] 文字风格有任...