FINAL FANTASY VII, the timeless classic loved by a legion of fans, comes to Nintendo Switch™ with a number of helpful extra features!
FINAL FANTASY VII, the timeless classic loved by a legion of fans, comes to Nintendo Switch with a number of helpful extra features! The world has fallen under the dominion of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a sinister corporation that has monopolized the planet's very life force as Mako...
7 $29.95 (inc. GST) 150 Gold Points The mega-hit RPG, FINAL FANTASY VIII returns! It is a time of war. The Republic of Galbadia, under the influence of the sorceress Edea, mobilises its great armies against the other nations of the world. Squall and other members of SeeD, an elite ...
7 HKD 399 200 My Nintendo黃金點數 《CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII–》的Remastered版《CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION》 本作除了將畫面HD化之外,包括登場角色在內的所有3D模型也將煥然一新。支援全語音的內容和全新改編的樂曲將更加生動地描繪出波瀾萬丈的故事。 《CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY ...
the game pushed the story telling ability of games forward and pushed the boundaries of 3D technology available at the time. Now 22 years since it’s initial release, Final Fantasy 7 has made it’s way to the Nintendo Switch. Making it playable on a Nintendo console for the first time, ...
N64 上并没有什么角色扮演游戏,《Aidyn Chronicles》在N64 平台上是为数不多的正统RPG 游戏之一。游戏体验也非常不错,不输于一些第三方的经典游戏,例如《最终幻想VII》(Final Fantasy VII)。 这款游戏拥有很大的世界观但因为野心太大,只有随着时间的推移游戏才会变得越来越有趣。导致在当时游戏玩家给的评论都比较一...
Final Fantasy XVI - PlayStation 5 Add $35.81 current price $35.81 Final Fantasy XVI - PlayStation 5 4634.7 out of 5 Stars. 463 reviews Comparison Chart: GenreRole-PlayingFinal Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Square Enix, Nintendo Switch, [Physical], 92203-Final Fantasy XII: The Zodia...
Get the FINAL FANTASY Pixel Remaster series on Xbox Series X|S The release means the first six FINAL FANTASY titles are now playable on multiple platforms: Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC via Steam, iOS and Android. Get the FINAL FANTASY Pixel Remaster series ...
Nintendo Switch|ダウンロード購入|FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE 去看看 本作有实体版,也可以通过任天堂Eshop购买数字版,游戏自带中文。 价格为6,264日元,约合378人民币。 游戏自带中文 二、这碗冷饭能吃下吗?
SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. 宣布,現正於 Steam🄬和智慧型手機好評發售中的「FINAL FANTASY 像素複刻版」系列正式確定發售Nintendo Switch™版和PlayStation🄬4版。目前預計於2023年春天全球同步發售。 「FINAL FANTASY 像素複刻版」簡介 「FINAL FANTASY 像素複刻版」包含《FINAL FANTASY》到《FINAL FANTASY VI》 這...