#试着在3~4.5米范围内将Switch靠近无线路由器,为了更顺利排除故障。 #在排除故障时,将Switch从底座拿出。 #有时候重启网络设备也能解决问题。 #移动其他金属或电子设备远离Switch和路由器。 Error Code: 2124-3080 当你试图网络对战连接失败的时候。大多数情况下,这发生在一个特定于某个国家或地区的任天堂帐户,因...
#避免让其他金属物品或电子设备靠近Switch或路由器,可能会影响无线信号 Error Code: 2811-5001,2137-8006 当无法访问E-shop时,可能是路由器信号较弱或DNS使用不当造成的。 解决方案 #如果你正在尝试的DNS无效,尝试手动输入另一个DNS。 #有时候重启网络设备也能解决问题。 #试着在3~4.5米范围内将Switch靠近无线路...
Description: An error code is received when trying to start a game on Nintendo Switch. Error code: 2016-0641. Additional Information: If a microSD card is inserted into the console, the save location will default to the microSD card when downloading or redownloading software. ...
试着在3~4.5米范围内将Switch靠近无线路由器,为了更顺利排除故障。 在排除故障时,将Switch从底座拿出。 避免让其他金属物品或电子设备靠近Switch或路由器,可能会影响无线信号。 许多路由器支持2.4GHz和5Ghz的双带宽。尝试连接使用不同的带宽,比如你在2.4GHz,然后尝试切换到5Ghz。 5.Error Code: 2124-5200, 2811-75...
Error code 9001-1630 is displayed when attempting to make a purchase or redeem a download code through the Nintendo website. You receive the error message "Unable to display page. Please check if the site address is correct". What to do ...
error code:2168-0002 program:010000000000100D A:有不兼容的自启类插件未更新/未删除干净。 将contents内文件清除干净后,再次开机,如果有需要使用的金手指可以提前先保留,能进系统了再复制回去。 Q:更新整合包后提示 failed to APPly "nosigchk" press power to continue. ...
Nintendo Switch device information, if a Nintendo Switch device has been linked OpenIdInfo UserOpenIdInfo[] OpenID Connect information, if any OpenID Connect accounts have been linked PlayFabId string Unique identifier for the user account PrivateInfo UserPrivateAccountInfo Personal information f...
errorMessage string Description for the PlayFab errorCode status string String HTTP code LinkNintendoSwitchDeviceIdRequest 展开表 NameTypeDescription CustomTags object The optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.). ForceLink boolean ...
Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102) What is error code 2813 6561 on Nintendo Switch? Nintendo switch Error code 2813-6561 occurs when you enter the wrong redeem code or a Nintendo eShop card redeemed from a different area. The issue may also occur while redeeming ...
Unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. Error Codes 展开表 NameCode InvalidIdentityProviderId1263 LinkedIdentifierAlreadyClaimed1184 NintendoSwitchNotEnabledForTitle1506 本文内容 Request Header Request Body Responses Security Definitions Error Codes...