You receive the error code 2101-0001 while using Nintendo Switch. What to Do: Restart the console by holding down thePOWER Buttonfor three seconds, then select "Power Options" > "Restart." If the console does not respond, hold down the POWER Button for twelve seconds to force it to shut...
2002-4301-2002-4463 / 2002-3005 /2002-3500-2002-3999 / 2002-0001 /2016-0601 / 2101-0001 / 2107-0445 A MicroSD error has occurred while playing a game powering the Switch on (or waking from sleep mode). Restart the Switch. Check for software updates. ...
Another reason why your Nintendo Switch cannot connect to the servers and shows the 2160-8006 error may poor wifi signal due to interruptions. Other wireless devices such as cordless phones, routers of neighbors, baby monitor, wireless CCTVs, among others broadcast in the same wireless band as ...
Come dare o revocare l'assenso all'invio di informazioni sugli errori durante l'esecuzione dei giochi Come usare un amiibo su Nintendo Switch Posso aumentare il numero di slot dell'inventario armature? (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) Come cambiare la lingua dei dialoghi di...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现【日本直邮】宜丽客USB集线器3端口支持PC Nintendo Switch白色的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于【日本直邮】宜丽客USB集线器3端口支持PC Nintendo Switch白色的信息,请来淘宝
After touching a Nintendo Switch game card, my hand has a strange bitter taste. Could this be harmful? How to Access/Change the System Settings How to Charge the Nintendo Switch Console How to Check the Error History How to Connect to a Wireless Network How to Connect to the Internet Using...
Mach dich bereit für ein echt abgedrehtes Abenteuer! Diese Beschreibung wurde vom Publisher bereitgestellt. Was du wissen musst Dieser Inhalt wird von der Nintendo of Europe SE verkauft. Die Zahlung erfolgt mit Nintendo eShop-Guthaben, das über den Nintendo-Account nutzbar ist. ...