维修日志--任天堂国行Nintendo Switch 底座dock拆解 前段时间任天堂国行Nintendo Switch插拔过程中,发现无法充电和在电视上输出,最后寄修发现switch底座有问题了,主板也有问题了,维修师傅反馈可能插拔过程中,type-c接口接触不良短路,烧了主板和底座,只好花钱修好主板了,底座dock师傅认为没有维修的价值,只好自己在闲鱼再收...
Hi everyone! I have a unique situation with a Nintendo Switch docking/TV problem. I recently sold my Nintendo Switch and when I sold it, everything was working perfectly. I did the factory reset when I handed it over and I kept the SD card as well for if/when I buy a new one. I...
* The information here does not apply to the Nintendo Switch Lite. If the TV output LED is flashing, there may be a problem with your Nintendo Switch dock. The issue may be resolved by temporarily removing and then reconnecting the AC adapter and HDMI cable connected to the dock, as detai...
I usualy play on the tv, but when my wife is watching something i don't like () i play on the Benq screen. It worked for a few month ( i bought the switch a few month ago). I had no problem. When she would stop watching (or falling asleep) i would get the switch back on ...
1.switch两种标准套装都包含NS本体屏幕,Dock底座,Joy-Con一组,Joy-Con握把(Grip)一个,NS AC变压器(充电器)一个,HDMI线一条以及Joy-Con腕带一组。另外机器本身还自带32G闪存。2.switch主机介绍主机正面主机背面3.switch底座介绍底座正面底座背面3.Joy-Con手柄介绍Joy-Con正面Joy-Con背面Joy-Con侧面4.Joy-Con腕带...
步骤一:拆卸 Nintendo Switch Dock 开始吧,把你的 Nintendo Switch Dock 电视连接线全卸掉,把所有的硬件都拔掉。打开背面的盖子,显示器连接接口。用你螺丝刀手拆卸这8个螺丝(如下图红圈所示):是不是觉得这个电路板好廉价,和想象不一样。步骤二:拆卸电路板和USB-C端口 电路板上连接了两根线,一根是带状 ...
Nintendo Switch Dock with LAN Port Diagram Nintendo Switch dock with LAN port frontal view: Nintendo Switch dock with LAN port back view:
How to Fix Input Lag on Nintendo Switch Here’s how to do Nintendo Switch controller lag fix- Physical Solutions: These are some of the physical solutions that you can try- Repositioning the Dock:Sometimes, the placement of the Nintendo Switch dock can affect the wireless signal strength betwee...
I don't know if it's a Nintendo Switch thing or if the problem is on the OBS. But those of you who stream Nintendo switch might be able to help me? When I connect the Switch to my recording card with Nintendo's own dock, there are no problems. But I have a Noname dock that ...
Unplug the cables (all of them) from the Dock, and then connect them in the right order: The Power cable goes first Next is the HDMI cable, which should be connected to your TV already Now insert the Switch into the Dock. Are the cables faulty? You need to make sure that all of ...