Discord 已经关闭了 Nintendo Switch 模拟器Suyu和Sudachi的 Discord 服务器,并完全禁用了他们的主要开发人员的帐户 - 该公司没有回答我们为什么会走到这一步的问题。 Suyu 和 Sudachi 都是从 Yuzu 的分支开始的,Yuzu 是一款模拟器,任天堂于 3 月 4 日起诉该模拟器,使其不再存在。“Discord 响应并遵守所有合...
Savechanges. Go back on your Nintendo Switch and try toopen the eShop. You may have to clear the app’s cache or log back into your account for the changes to apply. 2. Change your device country in Nintendo Switch Using your Nintendo Switch, go to theSettingsarea. SelectSystem>Select R...
The Nintendo Switch 2 could arrive within the next 12 months, so here's what we know so far and what we hope to see.
这就是任天堂要把诸如Yuzu此类的Switch模拟器告上法庭的核心问题所在。 任天堂「杀鸡儆猴」,Yuzu不战而败 首先,模拟器本身是合法的,API的兼容性已被法律认可。那么,既然「兼容」合法,为什么Yuzu等模拟器要赔钱呢? Yuzu的「罪状」主要是在其Discord频道中公开分享盗版链接,它通过Patreon平台,提供游戏的提前访问服务,此...
Discord has shut down the entire Discord servers for Suyu and Sudachi, a pair of Nintendo Switch emulators, and has completely disabled their lead developers’ accounts.
Connect your 3DS playing status to Discord! discordrpcnintendo-3ds3dsrich-presencediscord-rpcdiscord-rich-presence UpdatedSep 8, 2024 Python Python on your Nintendo 3DS homebrewdevkitpropython3nintendo-3ds3dsdevkitarm3ds-homebrewpython-portnintendo-homebrew ...
You can always contact me on my Discord server (invite link below) as an easier way to suggest ideas or directly report issues. Translations Goldleaf's aim is to, mainly, support languages supported by the console itself, so those not yet supported by Goldleaf and which aren't supported by...
The Nintendo Switch | Pexels Requirements For Streaming Switch On Discord Before streaming your Switch on Discord, there are a couple of things that you’ll need: APCor laptop If your laptop or PC has anHDMIport, you won’t need this. Since most PCs don’t have one, you’ll be needing...
The Wii LAN Adapter is also supported by the Nintendo Switch, Wii U, and even PC (with driver).[5] Matchmaking Once logged into the service, the game system took players to the online lobby of the video game they were playing. Since there were no user accounts, Nintendo used Friend ...
Nintendo控告Switch模拟器Yuzu涉嫌大规模促进盗版 号称拥有“最强法务部”的Nintendo近日就游戏模拟器问题对Yuzu发起诉讼,指控其破解Switch并绕过防盗机制,开发Switch模拟器。据悉Nintendo在Switch上加入了防止Switch平台游戏在其他设备上运行的技术。 著名游戏记者Stephen Totilo日前在X(前称Twitter)转贴美国法庭文件,表示...