Switch Switcher One man has set a Guinness World Record for having the highest number of unique, working video game consoles connected to one TV. Talk about putting your collection to work... (thanks to our friends at Time Extension for spotting this!) Ibrahim Al-Nasser, from Saudi Arabia,...
Switch Switcher One man has set a Guinness World Record for having the highest number of unique, working video game consoles connected to one TV. Talk about putting your collection to work... (thanks to our friends at Time Extension for spotting this!) Ibrahim Al-Nasser, from Saudi Arabia,...
Nswitcher9/TegraRcmGUI master 1Branch7Tags Code This branch is46 commits behindeliboa/TegraRcmGUI:master. README TegraRcmGUI A simple C++ GUI forTegraRcmSmashbyrajkosto. (payload loader for Nintendo Switch) Important notice This application is just a GUI for the command line program"TegraRcm...
It's been a long wait, but Nintendo is going to finally unveil the Nintendo NX, showcasing its vision for the next generation of gaming. Join us to chat about hopes and dreams in the build-up, and then check out and react to what the NX will have to offer. Subscribe toN...
Switch Switcher One man has set a Guinness World Record for having the highest number of unique, working video game consoles connected to one TV. Talk about putting your collection to work... (thanks to our friends at Time Extension for spotting this!) Ibrahim Al-Nasser, from Saudi Arabia,...