Nintendo Account 建立新帳號 使用密碼登入 電子郵件信箱 / 登入ID 密碼 登入 忘記密碼 使用通行密鑰登入 此裝置無法使用通行密鑰。 登入 關於通行密鑰 無法使用通行密鑰登入時 使用其他帳號輕鬆登入 Google 使用 Apple 登入 沒有帳號的玩家 建立新帳號
When you turn on the device, you will notice the absence of a web browser and you cannot download a browser app from the Nintendo store as well. This can be frustrating if you are using the Switch and suddenly want to Google something real quick. So, in this guide, we will take a l...
《Nintendo Switch Online》是讓Nintendo Switch的線上遊玩更有樂趣的應用程式。您可以使用遊戲連動服務、確認在線上的朋友,還有與遊戲連動的語音聊天等服務,讓線上遊玩更有樂趣。※要使用本應用程式的所有功能,需要加入「Nintendo Switch Online」。 ◆ 介紹遊戲連動
Many are afraid of using a foreign DNS because of possible Nintendo Switch web browser exploits and would rather wait for the official Nintendo Switch browser update. The ability to access a web browser on your Nintendo Switch sounds great, but keep in mind that this is just a workaround and...
Wenn Sie einen Smart-Geräte-Browser verwenden, wählen SieAnmelde- und Sicherheitseinstellungenund anschließendE-Mail-Adresse. Wenn Sie einen Desktop-Browser verwenden, wählen SieAnmelde- und Sicherheitseinstellungenund anschließend im Abschnitt „E-Mail-Adresse“ die Option...
We use cookies across our websites, mobile apps, and other services. Cookies are small files typically downloaded to the browser application on your device. They collect information about your use of the service such as the length of time you used the service or other relevant usage information...
Donkey Kong Running In A Web Browser Original game was written in HTML and Javascript Many of the Wii U's greatest games have long since been ported over to Switch. It's just something that we have all come to accept with the console — yes, it had some great games, but most of ...
Nintendo Switch Online The Nintendo Switch Online app enhances your online gameplay experience on your Nintendo Switch™ console. You can use voice
You won’t find the internet browser as an app on the eShop or even in the system settings, but it is there. You just have to do a little digging to find it. So if you want to browse the internet on your Nintendo Switch, here’s how you can do it. ...
To download a Switch game on sleep mode, simply download a game as normal through the Nintendo eShop or through your Nintendo Switch app. Next, avoid opening any games that even remotely connect to the internet to run. Then, allow your Switch to fall asleep on its own to continue downloadi...