Gitee 极速下载/atmosphere-firmware 加入Gitee 与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: ...
And most importantly, although I have fully tested all the steps here on my Switch and successfully updated my Switch to the latest version of Atmosphere and Hekate, this guide is provided as-is. Should you proceed to follow the guide, DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.I won’t be held resp...
@gcunit Axiom Verve's best moments are definitely almost all in its first third - the intro music, the atmosphere, the first few bosses and then the glitching gun are all amazing. The game just sort of stagnates though for a bit, not impressing but not insulting, before you hit the ro...
本吧热帖: 1-本来想升级个系统,结果把电脑整坏了 2-一正一破俩初代 一直玩破解那台 正的没玩过 跟新的没两样 现出 3-【XCI整合】舞力全开全系列大合集整合版 4-switch专业改价 5-各位大佬,真实系统能进去,但是虚拟系统进不去了,求助! 6-求救贴,超级里奥派对空前盛会安
本吧热帖: 1-NS1.20全能模拟器 游戏下载 2-宝可梦剑盾进不去怎么办 3-2024年Switch游戏合集,持续更新 4-紧急求助!虚拟系统进不去了 5-曝光某宝店铺“易neng电玩”——别把up主身份当欺骗工具! 6-【XCI整合】胡闹多人游戏全系列大合集整合版 7-求助安装系统 8-求救贴,超
We asked you, lovely Nintendo Life readers, to rate every single Final Fantasy game that you've played. As long as they've been on a Nintendo console, and been released in English, they're game. SoFinal Fantasy Vcame out on the GBA and Switch in the West, but the SNES (Super Famic...
本吧热帖: 1-lllll 2-【求助】不小心把正版系统升级成19.0.1现在无法用注入器引导 3-机器问题求助。 4-[XCI] 文明7 v1.0.2魔改整合版 5-分享贴子 6-从没见过这么厚颜无耻之人! 7-2024年Switch游戏合集,持续更新 8-请教兄弟们,买哪个版本 9-NS《八方旅人\歧路旅人》港版中
You'll find all the best Nintendo Switch accessories on the market right here, with our top picks on everything from cases to chargers.
本吧热帖: 1-【求助】有人玩过switch版本的《浅红2》吗?如何解锁全部关卡? 2-2024年Switch游戏合集,持续更新 3-兄弟们帮忙看看这张是不是假卡 4-ns硬破。。。 5-老哥们这个焊的怎么样 6-转载【纯净版 特斯拉版】Switch19.0.1大气层1.8.0心悦整合包 7-switch专业改价 8-ns
Sometimes, the Atmosphere CFW project releases a new fusee version that supports a new firmware update before you update your Switch firmware.If you update your Switch firmware without updating your fusee payload or update your fusee payload without updating your Switch firmware, you will end up ...