One such company to occupy a spot is Nintendo, who will be opening the doors to its first-ever Nintendo store in Japan. The shop will be called Nintendo TOKYO and will be stocking a slew of exclusive merch and games, alongside demo stations and other novelties. Some of Nintendo’s most ...
日本日本語 대한민국한국어 MalaysiaEnglish New ZealandEnglish PhilippinesEnglish SingaporeEnglish 台灣繁體中文 ประเทศไทยไทย 中国大陆*简体中文 Europe, Middle East, and Africa BelgiëNederlands BelgiqueFrançais ...
In case you missed it, Nintendo recently opened a museum in Japan and it's filled with all sorts of displays featuring the company's classic titles. For anyone who has been wondering how exactly Nintendo might be showcasing these retro games in its museum, it seems it could be making use...
Nintendo is opening the My Nintendo Store, an online shop, on January 23 in Japan. The store will be open to My Nintendo users in Japan and give the opportunity to buy exclusive goods. Starting with the Switch, account holders are able to order Nintendo’s newest system from the site and...
Visit the official Nintendo site to shop for Nintendo Switch™ systems and video games, read the latest news, find fun gear and gifts with a Nintendo twist, and much more.
Save money on wifi rental from Ninja WiFi, one of Japan's leading pocket wifi providers, with 10% off the regular price for Japan Cheapo readers! Click here for details Gift shop Shop some of the exclusive Nintendo merchandise. | Photo by Jane Pipkin ...
Today marks the 20th anniversary of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, the seventh entry in the Fire Emblem series, in Japan. But what makes this title extra special is that this was the game that brought the tactical RPG series to the West. A North American release followed in November 2003...
We have been following Nintendo's Palworld lawsuit for the best part of six months now, and while we have grown to have a better understanding of the particular patents involved, all of the infringement claims have been tied to Japan. However, in recent months, it seems that Nintendo... ...
The Pokemon Company has opened a Pokepeace POP UP SHOP in Hiroshima Japan. Read more Posts navigation OLDER POSTS Top Posts & Pages Fire Emblem Three Houses Figma Byleth, POP UP PARADE Dorothea, Sylvain, And Hilda Announced Build Your Own Animal Crossing Villager Design With This Fanmade Tool ...
Japan First Nintendo Store Opening In Japan By Brian Ashcraft PublishedFebruary 1, 2019 This fall, Japan is getting its first Nintendo Store. Called Nintendo Tokyo, the official shop will be located in the brand new Shibuya Parco building. Related Content DC Movie Bosses Are Planning A Big ...