这些是玩家购买 GB 和 GBA 虚拟控制台游戏的最后一个地方。 粉丝们还利用这个泄露来推测 Nintendo Switch Online 包中的哪些将提供 Game Boy Advance 游戏。似乎其中最受欢迎和最理想的选择是让较旧的手持游戏保留基本包的一部分,如果只是为了平衡 Nintendo GameCube 游戏在以后某个时候成为昂贵的扩展包会员资格的一...
中国大陆*简体中文 香港繁體中文 日本日本語 대한민국한국어 MalaysiaEnglish New ZealandEnglish PhilippinesEnglish SingaporeEnglish 台灣繁體中文 ประเทศไทยไทย Europe, Middle East, and Africa BelgiëNederlands ...
To use wired accessories such as a GameCube Controller Adapter, LAN adapter, and USB mic, you’ll need a USB Type A – Type C adapter. Nintendo Switch Lite also does not come with a built-in stand, which you may need if playing with an external controller. Nintendo reco...
Dan Fornace also mentioned on the live stream that there is Gamecube controller support included with the Switch version as well so all of those Smash Bros. players don’t have to fear about using a Nintendo Pro Controller or something else which is nice for those that have that sp...
This sandbox-style 3D Mario adventure—the first since 1996's beloved Super Mario 64 and 2002's Nintendo GameCube classic Super Mario Sunshine—is packed with secrets and surprises, and with Mario's new moves like cap throw, cap jump, and capture, you'll have fun and exciting gameplay exper...
F2P 科幻射击游戏《星际战甲》Switch 版正式公布了发售日:11 月 20 日,准备好在 Switch 上肝到爆炸吧。 一大票《最终幻想》游戏到来 Square Enix 将多达九款《最终幻想》游戏一口气都宣布了 Switch 版,首先是 Nintendo GameCube 当年的独占游戏《最终幻想 水晶编年史 重制版》,带有多人要素的本作,在重制版中新...
Square Enix 将多达九款《最终幻想》游戏一口气都宣布了 Switch 版,首先是 Nintendo GameCube 当年的独占游戏《最终幻想 水晶编年史 重制版》,带有多人要素的本作,在重制版中新增了网络联机功能,将于 2019 年发售。 然后是《最终幻想 15 口袋版 HD》,以叙事为重,让玩家能轻松感受「史诗」剧情。本作现已上架 eSh...
F-Zero X 将于 3 月 11 日登陆 Nintendo Switch Online 扩展包 F-Zero 是一个赛车系列,在 GameCube 上看到了它的最后一场比赛。对于任天堂系统上的赛车游戏迷来说,与马里奥赛车等游戏相比,这是一个可喜的节奏变化。尽管粉丝们多年来一直在寻求新的 F-Zero 游戏,但其制作人宫本茂表示,他需要找到一个独特...
Funnily enough the original concept for the game envisioned it as a Nintendo 64 title, though this changed after news broke that the GameCube would replace the older console. With the titles coming to Switch, the circle is finally closing. The Nintendo Switch games you need to play...
Party at your own pace by suspending a game and picking up right where you left off! The tides can turn quickly in Mario Party, so stay vigilant, partygoers. All modes can be played online*, too! Play 100 classic minigames from the Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCubeTM games and more ...