In March, Luigi’s Mansion 2, a sequel to the original Nintendo GameCube launch title, was launched for Nintendo 3DS as part of The Year of Luigi, celebrating 30 years of Mario’s younger brother. Nintendo also worked with TT Games to release two exclusive LEGO titles: LEGO® CITY Under...
Steven Kent on the Slow Launch- September 14, 2001 BBC GameCube Launch Coverage- September 14, 2001 The Eagle has Landed!- September 13, 2001 GameCube in Hand... Time For Rest- September 13, 2001 Still in Line... But the Time Approacheth- September 13, 2001 ...
but do so with enough quality to stand as good games on their own. Luigi’s Mansion did exactly this. The GameCube launch game places Mario’s brother at the forefront as he explores a highly detailed manor in the woods, and the atmosphere is as eerie as it is bursting with Nintendo ch...
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is celebrating its 20th anniversary this week after an initial Gamecube launch on 15th November 2004. In a new interview with developers Jack Mathews and Zoid Kirsch from Kiwi Talkz, it's been revealed that the game's multiplayer mode nearly featured playable Space Pirate...
Heck maybe even announce on launch day that Gamecube games will get added to NSO in the first 12 months. Do that, which is all pretty common sense, and Switch 2 will continue Switch's success. 60fps games don't matter and really should absolutely not be a priority for a handheld ...
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This is the first Nintendo handheld console (not counting the Nintendo DSi) since the Game Boy Color not to feature a game of the Super Mario franchise on its launch date. The system was initially available in two colors, Aqua Blue and Cosmos Black, with further iterations such as Flame ...
Nintendo to Delay GameCube LaunchMike Musgrove
Successor Nintendo GameCube “Get N or get out!” —The N64 slogan The Nintendo 64 (formatted on the logo as NINTENDO®64), also referred to as the N64, as well as rebranded as the Hyundai Comboy 64 in South Korea, is a video game console created by Nintendo. It was released in...
The North American GameCube launch is almost here, and Planet GameCube (PlanetN2000 and OperatioN2000) is happy to have been there every step of the way. We want you to have a safe, smart, and extremely enjoyable GameCube launch. With a few simple preparations, very soon you will have yo...